Scholarship overview

The Max Weber Program’s funding and support extends far beyond a student’s course of study. We support our scholarship holders financially with a Semester Allowance of €1,290 and fun­ding for periods spent studying or working abroad. The emphasis of our programme, however, is on promoting their personal development.


Semester Allowance

The comprehensive support offered by the Max Weber Program in­cludes a Semester Allowance of €215 per month. Our scholarship holders use this allowance to cover course-related expenses.

More about the Semester Allowance

Financial Aid for a Semester Abroad

From Cape Town to Helsinki and from Singa­pore to Vancouver, pro­mo­ting inter­na­tio­nalism is one of the core principles of the Max Weber Program. Financial Aid for a Semester Abroad helps our scho­lar­ship holders to spend a semester studying or completing internships abroad.

More about Financial Aid for a Semester Abroad



Making new discoveries together: our Academies offer both aca­de­mic excellence and an in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach. They also provide plenty of opportunities to meet new people and strengthen existing relationships.

More about our Academies

Language courses

Learn new languages, discover new cultures: the Max Weber Program works to promote intercultural exchanges. This is why we give our scholarship holders the opportunity to take language courses in various countries.

More about our language courses

Research In-Situ

At the origin of every innovation is an idea. We support our scholar­ship holders in developing and pursuing their research ideas – whether in Germany or abroad.

More about Research In-Situ

Mentoring Program

Building on experience: in our Mentoring Program, we introduce our scholarship holders to professors who stand ready to support them and who they can trust.

More about the Mentoring Program

Soft Skill Seminars

Train­ing skills: rheto­ric, presenta­tion tech­niques or con­flict man­age­ment are not only im­portant for a later ca­reer. With pro­fes­sional sup­port, our schol­arship hold­ers im­prove these skills as part of Soft Skill Semi­nars.

More about our Soft Skill Seminars

Get Involved!

Developing and implementing ideas: our “Get Involved!” program supports our scholarship holders with initiatives, events and field trips, providing both organisational and financial su­p­po­rt.

More about “Get Involved!”


Breaking the glass ceiling and smash­ing gender stereotypes: as part of our “Weber*innen” events series, our scholarship holders ap­proach and tackle issues of sex and gender from a variety of perspectives.

More about “Weber*innen” events

Max Weber-Foren

We hold our Max Weber-Foren on a regular basis at different lo­ca­ti­ons across Bavaria. They give our scho­lar­ship holders and mentors the opportunity to make new contacts, share experiences and streng­then existing contacts.

More about Max Weber-Foren