Welcome from the State Minister Markus Blume

When leaving school or completing a degree, young people often ask the same questions. Where should I study? Where can I conduct research and gain more qualifications? Where will I find the best conditions for me? The Elite Network of Bavaria is an invitation to motivated and talented young academics with a range of interests. At the same time, it is an invitation to Bavarian uni­versities, encouraging them to realize teaching and cutting edge re­search that extends well bey­ond conventional disciplines and structures.

We promote talented individuals

The range of funding we offer is every bit as diverse as the talents and interests of the in­dividuals we support; this allows us to meet the needs of our most talented young aca­demics. We give young people with the abil­ity and desire to succeed the op­por­tunity to develop and apply their talents with tailored, individual support. As well as the stu­dents themselves, society as a whole benefits from the support the Network provides. A true elite – as we understand it – is an elite which takes their re­sponsibil­ity and role as leaders very seriously and demon­strates this, whether in the seminar room, the la­bor­a­tory or within a broader social and societal context.

We promote outstanding teaching and research

For 15 years, the Elite Network of Ba­varia has stood for aca­dem­ic excellence and quality. In 2010, a Commission was set up to conduct the first full-scale evaluation of this unique association. In its report, it concluded that Ba­varia’s Elite Network is “an exceptional in­stitution which the Free State of Ba­varia should continue to maintain and expand whe­re­ver possible” – a rec­om­menda­tion we have been glad to take!

The feedback we receive with regard to the Elite Network of Ba­varia’s funding programs has been and remains extraordinarily pos­itive. The second Evaluation Commission also praised our out­standing inter­cul­tural and interdisciplinary community, which now com­prises more than 10,000 members, as being “utterly exemplary in terms of support for gifted and elite students”.

The Elite Network of Ba­varia sets high stand­ards – both for our talented young aca­dem­ics and their tutors. Anyone willing to approach this major challenge with dedicat­ion and en­thu­siasm is more than welcome to join us!

Munich, March 2022

Markus Blume
Bavarian State Minister
of Science and the Arts