From school to scholarship

The fastest way to be accepted onto the Max Weber Program is to pass university entrance examinations at a Bavarian secondary school. School leavers with excellent grades are in­vi­ted to take the Ministerial­beauftragten­prüfung, a special examination often referred to as the MB-Prüfung. Successful candidates are then offered a scholar­ship through the Max Weber Program.

Admission to the Max Weber Program

At present, up to 200 Bavarian school leavers in Bavaria are admitted to the Max Weber Program each year.

We accept applicants from all school types – whether you graduate from a Gymnasium or a Beruflichen Oberschule (FOS/BOS) as long as you achieve an average grade of at least 1.30 on your university entrance ex­a­mi­na­tions (depending whether you sit the Abitur or Fachabitur), your school leadership can put you forward for the MB-Prüfung. Even if you sit your university entrance ex­a­mi­na­tions at a Berufsschule you can still be admitted to the Max Weber Program. Achie­ving a total score of at least 428 points and scoring at least 38 points (single weighting) in the written ex­a­mi­na­tions will enable your school leader­ship to recommend you for the MB-Prüfung.

The so-called MB-Prüfung is a graded oral examination. The Heads of Secondary School Boards across Bavaria (known as Mi­nis­te­rial­be­auf­trag­ten – hence the exam’s name) serve as examiners in conjunction with teachers at Bavarian secondary schools.

MB-Prüfung entry requirements at a glance

Students leaving a Gymnasium with an Abitur

School-leaving qualificationBavarian Abitur
Average Abitur grade1.30 or better
Other requirementsQualification period (G8 up to and including Abitur 2025):
  • A total of at least 524 points,
  • of which at least 209 points must be gained in the following subjects: German, mathematics, a foreign language (at advanced level) as well as either the history/social studies combined course or a natural science (which the candidate took for four school semesters).
  • All of the half-year performances contributed must at least be awarded 12 points.
Qualification period (G9 from Abitur 2026):
  • A total of at least 524 points,
  • of which at least 156 points must be gained in the following subjects: German, mathematics, proficiency subject.
  • All of the half-year performances contributed must at least be awarded 12 points.
Final examinations (G8/G9):
  • At least 250 points

Graduates of FOS/BOS and other vocational schools

School-leaving qualificationBavarian Fachabitur or Abitur
Average Abitur grade1.30 or better
Other requirements
  • 1.50 minimum average in the written or practical exams for Fachabitur or Abitur,
  • no grade lower than “good” (10 points)

Graduates of the general higher education entrance qualification according to BegPO

QualificationUniversity entrance qualification according to BegPO
  • Total score of at least 428 points
  • At least 38 points in written examinations (single weighting)

General conditions of admission

After taking the MB-Prüfung, applicants must fullfil the following criteria to be admitted into the Max Weber Program:

  • High score in the Bavaria-wide rankings for the MB-Prüfung, classified by overall score in the examination
  • Admission to a course of study at a Bavarian tertiary education institution
  • Availability of places