One-day events

“Didn’t we meet at the summer party in Bamberg?” “Weren’t you at the New Year’s reception in Munich?” These greetings are common­place at the Max Weber Program’s range of events. Our scholar­ship holders are part of a community – indeed, some of them say they feel part of a large Max Weber family. To encourage this sense of kinship and community, we hold a series of one-day events at various locations across Bavaria.

Events all year round with the Max Weber Program

In the Max Weber Program, we offer our scholarship holders a range of opportunities to network and keep in contact with their peers across Bavaria. Take, for instance, our series of state-wide events, including the New Year’s reception in Munich and the summer party (always held at a different location in Bavaria). These events give our scholarship holders the chance to meet up throughout the year, enabling them to share experiences (and tips!) from their studies and work, make new contacts and catch up with old friends.

The New Year’s reception

At our festive New Year’s reception, held each year in Munich, our scholarship holders, men­tors and alumni come together to ring in the new Max Weber year. The event unveils the topic of focus for the coming year, which runs like a golden thread through the events over the following twelve months.

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The summer party

Our summer party has also become an establihsed fixture in our events program. Ta­king place at different institutions across Bavaria, they afford our scho­lar­ship holders the opportunity to meet and catch up in a more informal atmosphere. The parties allow scholarship holders to discover what other institutions have to offer and explore another facet of the year’s topic of focus. The parties are hosted by the scholarship holders re­si­dent at the institution.

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