Funding programs
At the Elite Network of Bavaria, we support talented young students from around the world, from leaving school through to the postdoc phase. As well as attractive scholarships and programs of research and study, our members benefit from a vibrant international and interdisciplinary network.
Max Weber Program
The Max Weber Program supports gifted students at Bavarian universities. The scholarship offers students financial support during their studies, helps them to spend semesters abroad and promotes their personal development. Individual supervision and interdisciplinary cooperation are at the core of the program.
Our Marianne-Plehn-Program offers highly qualified young scientists exceptional conditions for their doctoral studies. It combines a PhD scholarship by the German National Academic Foundation with a part-time employment of 25% funded by the Elite Network of Bavaria, at any university in Bavaria.
International Doctorate Programs
Our International Doctorate Programs provide the perfect framework for doctoral study. Doctoral candidates benefit from individual supervision in ambitious programs of research and study, and are supported in placing their research in an international context.
Junior Research Groups
By funding Junior Research Groups, we support young academics during their transition to academic independence. The groups afford outstanding postdocs from around the world the opportunity to set up their own Research Group. We provide funding for up to six years with internationally competitive terms.
How can I be admitted the Max Weber Program or apply for admission to the Marianne-Plehn-Program?
How do I apply for an Elite Graduate Program or an International Doctorate Program?
How and when can I apply to set up an Elite Graduate Program, International
Doctorate Program or Junior Research Group?