Get Involved!

The initiatives set in motion by our scholarship holders are the de­ci­sive factor in the Max Weber Program’s success. Our “Get Involved!” program gives them the opportunity to turn their own ideas for events and projects into reality. In doing so, they expand the range of services and activities available to their peers; at the same time, they gain valuable experience of event planning and hosting. The Max Weber Program supports its scholarship holders in both or­ga­ni­sa­tional and financial aspects.

Help to shape the Max Weber Program

In the Max We­ber Pro­gram, we sup­port and guide our schol­arship hold­ers in realis­ing their di­verse range of ideas, providing organ­isa­tional and finan­cial sup­port as part of the “Get In­volved!” pro­gram. These ideas can range from small-scale events at their own uni­versi­ty – such as an even­ing of lec­tures or de­bates – through to do­mestic or inter­na­tional field trips or na­tional con­fer­ences and digital events.

Our schol­arship hold­ers ac­tively shape the pro­gram with their own ideas. It gives them the op­por­tunity to dis­cuss spe­cific aca­demic topics in fur­ther detail or ex­plore entire­ly new sub­jects they might not oth­erwise en­coun­ter. And, of course, the social aspect is also im­portant – every field trip offers the chance to meet up with other schol­arship hold­ers, in­clud­ing friends from past events, to share ideas and expe­rienc­es. Greg­or Lienemann was part of a field trip to the Wen­del­stein, a moun­tain in the Ba­varian Alps, orga­nized by a fellow schol­arship holder as part of the “Get In­volved!” pro­gram. “The hike to reach the sum­mit at 1838m was chal­leng­ing,” he re­mem­bers,“ but we were re­ward­ed with won­derful views far into the dis­tance and an in­form­ative tour of the ob­serva­tory’s astro­nomi­cal equipment.” An­other at­ten­dee, Max­imili­an Lutz, add­ed: “I look for­ward to meet­ing up again with my new friends from the Max We­ber Pro­gram.”