
Combine scholarship and part-time employment at any university in Bavaria: Our Marianne-Plehn-Program supports outstanding young scientists during their doctoral studies within the German Academic Scholarship Foundation. This unique program combines your scholar­ship with a part-time employment of 25% funded by the Elite Network of Bavaria, at any university in Bavaria. As a member of the Elite Network of Bavaria, you benefit from various offers and activities within our interdisciplinary excellence program.

Our offer for doctoral students

Whether you are in Passau, Munich, Regensburg, Würzburg, Kempten, Erlangen or Hof: The Elite Network of Bavaria supports highly qualified young researchers in its Marianne-Plehn-Program, named after the first female professor in Bavaria, in three ways: 

The Elite Network of Bavaria funds your part-time employment of 25% at any university in Bavaria, which provides social security as well as important experience in teaching academic classes and in ad­mi­nis­tra­tive tasks. 

The combination of your part-time employment with the financial support of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation offers you more flexibility in the choice of and during your doctoral studies.

As a member of the Elite Network of Bavaria you benefit from activities, international net­working and add-ons to your doctoral studies within our interdisciplinary excellence program.

The Marianne-Plehn-Program at a glance

  • doctoral scholarship within the German Academic Scholarship Foundation and
  • successful application for the Marianne-Plehn-Program 
  • together with or after your application for a doctoral scholarship at the German Academic Scholarship Foundation,
  • within twelve months after starting your doctoral scholarship within the German Academic Scholarship Foundation
Part-time employment of 25%
  • once you have started your doctoral scholarship,
  • within six months of your acceptance in the Marianne-Plehn-Program 
Duration of the part-time employmentuntil the end of your doctoral scholarship 
Double funding
  • not possible
  • it is not possible to combine the Marianne-Plehn-Program  with scholarships at other institutions, addtional employments or to increase the part-time employment of 25% 
RemunerationTV-L E13
ContactDr. Anne-Sophie Käsbauer
Phone: +49 (0)228 82096-298
Contact the coordinator
Further informationMore about the application
Website of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation

The German Academic Scholarship Foundation – a strong partner

The Free State of Ba­varia has trans­ferred the im­ple­men­tation of the Max We­ber-Program and the Mari­an­ne-Plehn-Pro­gram to the Ger­man Aca­demic Scholarship Foun­da­tion. It is the oldest and, with 14.200 schol­arship hold­ers, larg­est Ger­man spon­sor­ship or­gani­zation for the aca­demi­cally gifted – and a strong part­ner for Ba­varia.

In focus

People standing on a staircase.

Annual Meeting 2024

For the 2024 annual meeting of the Marianne-Plehn-Program, we met in Augsburg for a weekend of workshops, networking, and cultural activities.

Read the report»