Combine scholarship and part-time employment at any university in Bavaria: Our Marianne-Plehn-Program supports outstanding young scientists during their doctoral studies within the German Academic Scholarship Foundation. This unique program combines your scholarship with a part-time employment of 25% funded by the Elite Network of Bavaria, at any university in Bavaria. As a member of the Elite Network of Bavaria, you benefit from various offers and activities within our interdisciplinary excellence program.
Our offer for doctoral students
Whether you are in Passau, Munich, Regensburg, Würzburg, Kempten, Erlangen or Hof: The Elite Network of Bavaria supports highly qualified young researchers in its Marianne-Plehn-Program, named after the first female professor in Bavaria, in three ways:
The Elite Network of Bavaria funds your part-time employment of 25% at any university in Bavaria, which provides social security as well as important experience in teaching academic classes and in administrative tasks.
The combination of your part-time employment with the financial support of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation offers you more flexibility in the choice of and during your doctoral studies.
As a member of the Elite Network of Bavaria you benefit from activities, international networking and add-ons to your doctoral studies within our interdisciplinary excellence program.
The Marianne-Plehn-Program at a glance
Prerequisites |
Application |
Part-time employment of 25% |
Duration of the part-time employment | until the end of your doctoral scholarship |
Double funding |
Remuneration | TV-L E13 |
Contact | Dr. Anne-Sophie Käsbauer Phone: +49 (0)228 82096-298 Contact the coordinator |
Further information | More about the application Website of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation |
The German Academic Scholarship Foundation – a strong partner
The Free State of Bavaria has transferred the implementation of the Max Weber-Program and the Marianne-Plehn-Program to the German Academic Scholarship Foundation. It is the oldest and, with 14.200 scholarship holders, largest German sponsorship organization for the academically gifted – and a strong partner for Bavaria.