Summer Academies

Quan­tum phys­ics, artifi­cial intel­li­gence, cli­mate change and sus­taina­bility or polit­ical pro­test cul­ture: our schol­arship hold­ers deal with these and many other topics dur­ing the spring and sum­mer acad­emies. Whether within their own disci­pline or be­yond, the acad­emies guar­antee scien­tific dis­cussions at the high­est level. The acad­emies offer ideal condi­tions for de­velop­ing your skills and gain­ing new per­spec­tives, net­work­ing and ex­panding your con­tacts!

Freedom to experiment

Academies give our scholarship holders the opportunity to engage with issues beyond the confines of their own studies. In doing so, they benefit from working with exceptional tutors. Each Summer Academy brings together around 100 scholarship holders for a period of one to two weeks. The objective is to broaden their horizons in both personal and academic terms and give them the courage to experiment – free from pressure and without the stress of examinations. This fact is reflected in their structure: 

the Academies comprise various working groups which operate eit­her with disciplinary focus or an interdisciplinary approach. While these groups may focus on separate topics, students also spend plenty of time together. Evening lectures from tutors afford all parti­cipants insights into the work car­ried out by the other groups. The Academies also include plenty of opportunities to spend time together during joint activities, breaks and the evening programme.

Portrait Photo: Anke Dörner

One to two weeks full of engagement and discussion, academic exchange and – of course – heaps of fun. Since 2006, we have offered a variety of Academies to our scholarship holders, both in Germany and abroad.

Dr Anke Dörner

Academy formats

There are dif­ferent acad­emy for­mats: The two-week “Mountain Acad­emy” for Bach­elor stu­dents up to the 6th se­mes­ter has been held at Dis­entis Mon­astery in the can­ton of Grau­bün­den in Swit­zer­land since 2023.

In addi­tion, the Max We­ber Pro­gram also offers a on­e-week sum­mer acad­emy for Mas­ter's and doc­toral stu­dents in Ljubljana, Slo­venia, as well as a the­mati­cally ori­ented acad­emy with a higher prac­tical com­po­nent for stu­dents from Bach­elor's to doc­toral level in Roggenburg, also last­ing one week. In addi­tion, all Acad­emies of the Ger­man Aca­demic Scholarship Foun­dation are open to schol­arship hold­ers, in­clud­ing, for ex­am­ple, the Expe­dition and Music Acad­emies.

Academies offer our scholarship holders an excellent academic environment. The aca­demies’ working groups depend on the commitment of the researchers involved and the dedication of the participating students.