Financial support:
the Semester Allowance

In the Max Weber Program, we support gifted and talented students with a Semester Allowance of €1,290 – independent of their own income or their parents’ salaries. In addition, the Max Weber Program offers a comprehensive range of personal development measures.

Financial support – free, flexible funding

All Max Weber Program scholarship holders receive a Semester Allowance in the amount of €1,290 per semester. This amount is paid at the start of standard German semesters, on 1 October and 1 April. Scholarship holders receive the allowance regardless of their own income or their parents’ salaries. The Max We­ber Pro­gram’s Se­mes­ter Al­low­ance can be com­bined with grants pro­vided under the Fed­eral Train­ing Assis­tance Act – often re­ferred to by its Ger­man acro­nym, BAföG.

The intention of the Semester Allowance is to enable students to cover the cost of course-related activities. Our scholarship holders are free to use these funds as they see fit; they might use the money to buy course books, travel to learn languages or pay their phone bill. “I’ve always loved books and read a great deal. So, of course, I used the allowance to buy books – which I might not have been able to otherwise,” says Dr Jonathan Bauer, organometallic chemistry specialist and alumnus of the Max Weber Program. Today, Dr Bauer leads a Junior Research Group researching issues such as concepts for responsible supplies of raw materials.

Double sponsorship – the dos and don’ts

Our scholarship holders can combine their scholarship with other student support programs; for example, they could also draw support from one of the German govern­ment’s 13 associations to promote gifted and talented young people (Be­gabten­för­de­rungs­werke). You can accept scholarships through both the Max Weber Program and the German Academic Scholarship Foundation or one of the other associations.

However, you can only accept financial support through one scholarship at any given time.