Elite Network of Bavaria

We support gifted young people and help them to forge their own path, from the time they leave school through to the postdoc phase. Our mem­bers are united by a shared commitment to act responsibly in shaping the world of tomorrow.

Funding programs

Our scholarships and programs of research and study offer ideal conditions for gifted young students – from all over the world.

To our funding programs

A woman gives advice to another, younger woman. Both of them are sitting at a table.
Two young people with hiking gear point to an object out of the shot.

Active Network

Our members form a strong community. We encourage exchange across disciplines and national borders.

Active Network

A woman is sitting at a table looking at a laptop.
Permanent activabte
and accept
data transfer:

About us

The Elite Network of Bavaria never stands still. Expert committees guarantee consistently high quality.

To the Elite Network of Bavaria

Nov 2024

Get Together

We invite all new mem­bers to our ‘Get To­geth­er’ at the Au­dimax of the Tech­nical Uni­versi­ty of Mu­nich. Get­ting to know each other and the activi­ties of­fered by the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia is the major aim of this event.

Participation: All new members of the Elite Network of Bavaria

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