Elite Network of Bavaria

We support gifted young people and help them to forge their own path, from the time they leave school through to the postdoc phase. Our mem­bers are united by a shared commitment to act responsibly in shaping the world of tomorrow.

Funding programs

Our scholarships and programs of research and study offer ideal conditions for gifted young students – from all over the world.

To our funding programs

A woman gives advice to another, younger woman. Both of them are sitting at a table.
Two young people with hiking gear point to an object out of the shot.

Active Network

Our members form a strong community. We encourage exchange across disciplines and national borders.

Active Network

A woman is sitting at a table looking at a laptop.
Permanent activabte
and accept
data transfer:

About us

The Elite Network of Bavaria never stands still. Expert committees guarantee consistently high quality.

To the Elite Network of Bavaria

Jul 2025

Call for applications - Elite Graduate Programs

The Elite Network of Bavaria is establishing new Elite Graduate Programs with a focus on Humanities, social sciences and economics at Bavarian state and ecclesiastical universities. The deadline for the submission of a draft proposal is 30 July 2025. https://www.elitenetzwerk.bayern.de/fileadmin/ESG/ESG_Ausschreibungsunterlagen_2025.zip | Download the application documents

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