Scientific Computing

Nu­meri­cal simu­lations of phe­nomena in tech­nology and natural sci­ences have been shown to be an essen­tial tool for accel­erating devel­op­ment cycles in in­dustry and busi­nesses. De­mands on the capa­bilities of nu­meri­cal simu­lation con­tinue to grow with the need for mod­els that are more precise and the incor­pora­tion of new prob­lem areas. The objec­tive of “Sci­entific Com­puting” is thus to bring highly com­plex prob­lems to a less com­plex nu­meri­cal ap­prox­imation via an under­stand­ing of their math­emati­cal core.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeMaster of Science
Duration of studyFour semesters
Place of studyBayreuth
Admission RequirementsDistinguished bachelor’s degree in mathematics with a component of numerical mathematics (or a degree with equivalent content)
Language of instructionEnglish
Application deadlineNovember 15th, May 15th
Begin of studiesWinter semester, summer semester
HeadProf. Dr. Mario Bebendorf
CoordinatorDr. Maximilian Bauer
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite Scientific ComputingGeneral program information of the University of Bayreuth

Preparing for the future challenges of numerical simulation

The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram Scien­tific Com­puting is a spe­cial­ized pro­gram for highly talent­ed stu­dents. It ad­dress­es the devel­op­ment and math­emati­cal analy­sis of highly effi­cient nu­meri­cal meth­ods and takes into ac­count the entire solu­tion chain, in­clud­ing mod­elling; math­emati­cal, nu­meri­cal, and statis­tical analy­sis; opti­miza­tion; the im­ple­menta­tion of algo­rithms on high-perfor­mance com­puters; and the visual­ization of re­sults. The prob­lems for simu­lations will be from fields such as bio­chem­istry, phys­ics, com­puter sci­ence, and engi­neer­ing. The excel­lent scien­tific educa­tion is ac­com­panied by cours­es dedi­cated to the devel­op­ment of key skills.

Individual supervision

A pivotal ele­ment of this Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram are the mod­elling weeks. These com­pact semi­nars are held off-cam­pus and pro­vide oppor­tuni­ties to ap­plythe exper­tise gained during the lec­tures.

Repre­senta­tives from high-tech com­panies pre­sent issues that are cur­rently being ad­dressed by the indus­try.

During the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Sci­entific Com­puting", stu­dents will have the chance to work on cur­rent re­search pro­jects. They will even have the oppor­tunity to start a doc­torate during the mas­ter's pro­gram with our fast track op­tion.

Portrait photo: Prof. Dr. Mario Bebendorf

The new master’s program prepares highly talented students for the future challenges of numerical simulation in industry and research.

Prof. Dr. Mario Bebendorf

Snippets of the program

Guest lectures in Scientific Computing

In summer 2023 and winter 23/24, guest scientists demonstrated the mathematics behind superconductors and the use of machine learning to analyze car crashes.

Read the report

The image shows a typical mathematical, grid-based analysis of a specific component.

Presentation of the modeling projects

In September 2023, the students of the Elite Graduate Program Scientific Computing presented the results of their projects from industry and business, on which they worked in summer 2023.

Read the report

The picture shows the group of students with their supervisors in the seminar room.

Snippets of the research

Power Modelling in HPC

Stefan de Souza examines power dissipation on modern HPC systems and the system configurations.

PDEs and the coincidence

Henrik Reger's master's thesis dealt with the efficient numerical solution of stochastic partial differential equations.

Derived quantities in DEs

Markus Büttner developed in his master’s thesis a software to compute derived quantities from parameterized differential equations.