Honors in Business, Economics, and Information Systems

Globali­zation and Dig­itization bring about changes in all sec­tors of the econ­omy and thus promote great challeng­es: in­creasing inter­na­tional interde­pendence of the economy, growing im­portance of IT in firms and public admin­istration, as well as societal challeng­es like resource or climate politics. The Elite Graduate Program trains students with re­gard to these challeng­es in eco­nomics, business admin­istration and busi­ness in­format­ics.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeMaster of Science
Duration of studyFour semesters
Place of sturyRegensburg
Admission requirementsBachelor in economics or equivalent
Language of instructionGerman
HeadProf. Dr. Michael Dowling
CoordinatorMarietheres Dietz
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite Honors in Business, Economics, and Information Systems

Excellency in Business, Economics and Information Systems

The Elite Graduate Program offers outstand­ing stu­dents from Germany and abroad a master’s degree in one of the fol­lowing four fields: business ad­min­istration, econom­ics, inter­national econom­ics and business in­format­ics. By imparting scientifi­cally sound and prac­tically relevant knowledge, stu­dents are prepared for exec­utive work in business, econom­ics and admin­istration, and are intro­duced to the fore­front of interna­tional re­search. In their cho­sen de­gree pro­gram, the students gather methodo­logically sound scientific con­cepts.

Based on this, the Elite Graduate Program "Honors in Busi­ness, Econom­ics, and Infor­mation Systems" offers students a wide range of opportu­nities for compre­hensive and in­terdisci­plinary training through an annual academy, the "Hon­ors"-courses, the "Honors" -seminars and case studies conduct­ed as part of work­shops. In addition, the "Hon­ors"-program fosters interna­tional ex­change: students spent at least one semester abroad.

Portrait photo: Prof. Dr. Michael Dowling

We select the best students, challenge them with demanding courses – thereby turning them into the top graduates required by business and academia.

Prof. Dr. Michael Dowling

Finally, students gather practical knowledge through excursions to leading international companies as well as public and scientific institutions.

Integrated in a strong network

Apart from personal scientific counseling by the lecturers of the Elite Graduate Program, students also benefit from its mentoring program: Successful mentors from academia and industry support and counsel students with regard to their interests and career aspirations.

The close contact with practice and sci­ence cre­ates a sustaina­ble net­work consist­ing of business per­son­ali­ties, men­tors, "Hon­ors"-students and alumni that ben­efits all.

Snippets of the program


Students learn how to apply SCRUM in project work.

Read the report

Three students stand in front of a wall with sticky notes.

Elite Cup 2024 in Regensburg

As last year's winner, the Elite Graduate Program organized the traditional football tournament, in which various programs of the Elite Network compete against each other.

Read the report

A group of young people in summer clothes and soccer shirts stand on a tartan track in front of a soccer pitch and cheer. A man in the middle laughs into the camera and holds a large trophy in his hand.

Snippets of the research

Business model innovations

In her master’s thesis Janina Faber examines how established companies can succesfully implement their business model innovations within a digital context.

Blockchain systems

In his master’s thesis Benedikt Putz looks into blockchain systems from the perspecitve of business informatics.


In his master's thesis, Daniel Nieberle examined the resistance of innovation to contactless means of payment and whether it can be reduced by nudging.