Snippets of the Network

New research projects and Elite Programs, experiences from seminars and semesters abroad, reports from the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting and interdisciplinary events – our members write about their lives and the work they love.

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Nov 2023
20 years of the Elite Graduate Program East European Studies
A look back at the 20-year anniversary celebration of the Elite Graduate Program “Eastern European Studies” on 2 November 2023
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Five people debating on a stage in front of a screen
Oct 2023
Espresso and biscuits in presentations
As part of a work­shop the stu­dents Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Ad­vanced Syn­thesis and Ca­taly­sis” (Syn­Cat) were able to learn help­ful tips and tricks for or­ganis­ing an inter­esting and confi­dent presenta­tion.
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Students of the Elite Graduate Program "Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis" take a group photo in front of the conference venue Schloss Hirschberg.
Oct 2023
Welcoming Meeting with L. Sasha Gora and the Off the Menu Junior Research Group
In Octo­ber 2023 the IDK "Um(Welt)Denken" was happy to wel­come the Junior Re­search Group “Off The Menu” fol­low­ing a talk by PhD L. Sasha Gora on the Culi­nary Envi­ron­men­tal Hu­mani­ties
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A group of 13 doctoral students from the IDK and the Research Group are standing next to a building. Some of the doctoral students are looking at each other, others are looking at the camera.
Oct 2023
New coat of paint for the Max Weber Program logo
On 11 Octo­ber 2023, the Max We­ber Pro­gram logo will re­ceive an up­dated color scheme to align with the Elite Net­work's brand label, which was up­dated in 2022.
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Two lozenges positioned next to each other, half filled with gray and half filled with dark blue, next to the lettering "Max Weber Program".
Oct 2023
ASC Kick-Off. Let’s get it started!
The kick-off sem­inar of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Ad­vanced Signal Pro­cess­ing and Communi­cati­ons Engi­neer­ing (ASC)" ena­bles new stu­dents to get in touch with each other and their future pro­fes­sors before the start of the se­mes­ter.
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Students talking to Professors at the ASC Speeddating 2023.
Sep 2023
Award winners at the modeling seminar 2023
For the 5th time, the stu­dents were able to show what they had learned dur­ing their stud­ies in Scien­tific Com­puting by work­ing on pro­jects from indus­try and busi­ness areas. A recent award win­ner was pre­sent as a spe­cial guest.
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[Translate to English:] Das Bild zeigt die Gruppe der Studierenden mit ihren Betreuerinnen und Betreuern im Seminarraum.
Sep 2023
School lab on Helgoland
Stu­dents of the of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “MINT-Leh­ramt PLUS” spent two weeks on Hel­go­land dur­ing an excur­sion to organ­ize a work­shop there on the topic of "Ocean Acid­ifica­tion" in the spirit of edu­cation for sus­taina­ble de­velopment.
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two people stand in front of a work table and look at a bowl full of water.
Jul 2023
Summer Reception of the Bavarian State Parliament
The Presi­dent of the Ba­varian State Par­lia­ment, Ilse Aign­er, invit­ed more than 3,000 guests to this year's sum­mer recep­tion of the Ba­varian State Par­lia­ment at Schleißheim New Palace - in­clud­ing ten mem­bers of the Elite Net­work of Bavaria.
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Schleißheim New Palace at dusk
Jul 2023
Elite Cup 2023 – Football, food and fun
In what is one of the most estab­lished tradi­tions in the Elite Net­work, the 2023 edi­tion of the Elite Cup took place this year in Mu­nich. Members across the Elite Net­work gath­ered to enjoy in a nice Sat­urday of foot­ball, food and friendly com­peti­tion.
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Picture of all the participants of the tournament.
Jun 2023
72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
Lena Schorr, a PhD stu­dent in the Puschhof Lab at the Ger­man Can­cer Re­search Cen­ter (DKFZ) in Hei­del­berg, at­tend­ed the 72nd Lindau No­bel Lau­reate Meet­ing from 25 to 30 June 2023 at the invi­tation of the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia.
Read the report »
Alphorn players perform on a stage in front of the Bavarian coat of arms
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