Snippets of the Network

New research projects and Elite Programs, experiences from seminars and semesters abroad, reports from the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting and interdisciplinary events – our members write about their lives and the work they love.

Display 251-257 of 257
Feb 2018
Winter excursion
At the winter excur­sion, stu­dents from dif­ferent years, alum­ni and facul­ty of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “The­oreti­cal and Math­emat­ical Phys­ics” had a chat be­yond math­emat­ical quan­tum me­chan­ics and topo­logi­cal spaces.
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A group of people sitting around a rectangular table and listening to a speaker outside the image.
Feb 2018
Two days of "Gender Gaga" in Beilngries
Is gen­der re­search my busi­ness? Yes, it is, ac­cord­ing to the Max We­ber schol­ars con­fer­ence on gen­der re­search in April 2018 in Beilngries. The Max We­ber Pro­gram invit­ed its schol­ars to ap­proach the sub­ject from dif­ferent pro­fes­sional per­spec­tives.
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A group of young women sitting outdoors on a beautiful summer day discussing.
Feb 2018
Figuring out light
The Junior Re­search Group is well con­nect­ed to the re­search com­muni­ty of the Uni­versi­ty of Bay­reuth. Her group is linked to the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Bio­logi­cal Phys­ics”, which aims at an inter­disci­pli­nary edu­cation of excel­lent stu­dents of biolo­gy, phys­ics and bio­chem­istry.
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Portrait photo: Linn Leppert
Jan 2018
Challenges of mid-sized cities in Asia
For six months, Maria Mejia worked at the Ger­man Agency for Inter­na­tional Co­opera­tion (GIZ) and the Asian De­velopment Bank (ADB) as an intern for Ca­pacity De­velopment and Sus­taina­ble Cities. This gave her access to the inner soul of two of the great­est multi­lateral organ­iza­tions boost­ing de­velopment pro­jects worldwide.
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Group picture: Young people, positioned around an old car, laugh at the camera. In the background are green hills, mountains and blue sky.
Jan 2018
Schrödinger’s Thought Experiment
By entangled atom-light states, researchers of “ExQM” and the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) realized an analogue to Schrödinger’s thought-experiment in the lab.
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Artist’s view of Schrödinger's cat entangled with a single atom.
Jan 2017
Research In-Situ in the Maldives
Max Weber Program scholarship holder Sebastian Steibl spent three months conducting research in the Maldives with the support of the Research In-Situ program. His research was focused on how human activities impact small (island) ecosystems.
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Scenic photo of sunset over a beach
Apr 2016
Come together, work together
Every year, the PhD students in the Doctorate Program "Topological Insulators" of the Elite network of Bavaria meet to present their research and exchange ideas. This year, the PhD students met in Leuven, Belgium.
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A group of people is standing on a warm day in front of a brick building to the group photo and looks into the camera.
Display 251-257 of 257