Snippets of the Network

New research projects and Elite Programs, experiences from seminars and semesters abroad, reports from the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting and interdisciplinary events – our members write about their lives and the work they love.

Display 241-250 of 257
Jun 2018
Light to the laboratory
Thomas Wagner initi­ated an in­terdiscipli­nary co­oper­ation pro­ject for the mar­ket launch of a new­ly de­veloped pho­to reac­tor, which sets a mile­stone in the mar­ket with high per­for­mance and pre­cise standardi­za­tion of the pro­cess­es. The de­vice is al­ready available for commer­cial pur­chase to­day.
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A woman and a man dressed in lab coats and wearing protective goggles look at a box-shaped photo reactor standing on a table. The woman is adjusting something on the device.
Jun 2018
“Ordinariness” in media discourse
The project examines the discursive value of the first-order concept of ordinary in the context of public talk media, as well as the discursive strategies and their intended perlocutionary effects for the discursive construction of ordinariness as an object of talk in mediated public talk, through the positioning of self and other speakers as ordinary and non-ordinary.
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Three young people in an animated conversation.
Jun 2018
Neuroengineering - Retreat in the Allgäu
Sci­en­tific lec­tures, the dis­course of social top­ics, lei­sure activ­ities, team building and time to­geth­er: from these ele­ments, the stu­dents in the Elite Graduate Pro­gram Neu­roen­gi­neer­ing met for a four-day re­treat in the All­gäu.
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Students are balancing the magic stick, a wooden rod jointly holt by one finger per person.
May 2018
ASC students visit INTEL
IN­TEL invit­ed the stu­dents of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Ad­vanced Signal Pro­cess­ing and Communi­cati­ons Engi­neer­ing” to an excur­sion to Neu­bib­erg. There they had the op­por­tunity to visit labor­atories and get to know the latest tech­nolo­gies from the fields of ma­chine learn­ing and 5G.
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A group of young people standing in front of a building and waving into the camera
May 2018
Disruptive Technologies: Invention – Implementation - Implication
The "So­cial Tech­nolo­gies AG" of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Fi­nance and In­for­mation Man­age­ment” orga­nized a pan­el dis­cussion with guests from prac­tice on the topic "Dis­rup­tive Tech­nolo­gies: In­ven­tion - Im­ple­men­tation - Impli­cati­on".
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Four people sit next to each other on chairs and discuss. In the background, a presentation on canvases is seen.
May 2018
Crossing borders
“Ori­ental stud­ies in Par­is”: Stu­dents of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Cul­tural Stud­ies of the Mid­dle East” of the Uni­versi­ty of Bam­berg and FAU Er­langen-Nürn­berg visit­ed a num­ber of re­search facili­ties and librar­ies of the French cap­ital.
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Young people discuss in a seminar room.
Apr 2018
Values in shifting perspectives
What are the impli­cati­ons of mean­ing and values for us? How can the natu­ral sci­ences con­trib­ute as we con­tem­plate our val­ues? These were among the issues ex­plored at the 10th edi­tion of the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia FO­RUM. This year’s inter­disci­pli­nary series of lec­tures, enti­tled “Fu­ture val­ues?! – A change in per­spec­tive”, was held at the Uni­versi­ty of Re­gens­burg.
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Panel discussion: a woman and three men sit on a stage and discuss an issue.
Apr 2018
And the winner is …
This year, the Elite Net­work of Ba­var­ia’s tradi­tional EliteCup was con­tested at the Uni­versi­ty Sports Cen­ter Mu­nich (ZHS). The team from the Hon­ors – Busi­ness, Eco­nom­ics and In­for­mation Sys­tems pro­gram won the cov­eted tro­phy for the first time.
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Team photo: footballers celebrate winning a trophy.
Apr 2018
Between East and West
The annu­al “Honors” Academy of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Honors in Busi­ness, Eco­nom­ics and In­for­mation Sys­tems” took the stu­dents to Pra­gue this year. In keep­ing with the topic “Do­ing Busi­ness be­tween East­ern and West­ern Eu­rope”, the stu­dents were pre­sent­ed with an aca­demi­cally and cul­turally varied pro­gram.
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Students of the Elite Graduate Program “Honors” take a group picture in front of a statue.
Apr 2018
The highlight of every year
Among other topics, students dealt with inclusion, outdoor education and teacher’s health during the spring school of 2018 at Kloster Banz. Exchange on school-relevant, subject-specific as well as personal issues formed the core of the cross-university meeting.
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Students standing in a half-circle and talking. In the background you can see other persons looking at posters and talking about them.
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