Snippets of the Network

New research projects and Elite Programs, experiences from seminars and semesters abroad, reports from the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting and interdisciplinary events – our members write about their lives and the work they love.

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Sep 2018
Guest lecture with a renowned expert
Prof. Ste­phen Han­sen (Ox­ford) held a lec­ture on “Ma­chine Learning Methods for Econ­omists“. He ex­plained the sta­te-of-the-art meth­ods of ma­chine learn­ing and their im­ple­men­tation in eco­nom­ics.
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Detail image: A person‘s left hand is holding an opened notebook, while the right hand is taking a note with a pencil.
Sep 2018
Study week in South Tyrol
Every year the students of the "Physics Advanced" Elite Graduate Program travel to South Tyrol in order to study a specific topic - different from what usually is considered in their university courses. In September 2018 the students engaged in the opportunities and risks of Artificial Intelligence.
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Young people sit on a terrace and are engaged in a discussion against a mountain background.
Aug 2018
IISB Summer School
The summer school on Crystal Growth is offered by the Fraunhofer IISB to MAP students on a yearly basis. It provides an understanding of why crystals have been a fascinating material to scientists and engineers until today.
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A group of young people on a forest road smiles into the camera.
Aug 2018
Startup Tour Berlin
Once again, students and alumni of the Elite Graduate Program "Honours Degree in Technology Management" visited various startups in Berlin. In addition to interesting and surprising insights into the world of startups, there was also time for joint activities and exploring Berlin.
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A group of young people smile into the camera.
Jul 2018
International Workshop in Bamberg
Under the guidance of Visiting Professor Dr. Elke Hartmann, students of the Elite Graduate Program “Cultural Studies of the Middle East” organized and held an international workshop with the title “Travelers in and from the Orient and their literature” in Bamberg.
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The picture shows pens on top of a stack of paper.
Jun 2018
The EBE Summer Meeting
The EBE Sum­mer Meet­ing is a bi­enni­ally held inter­na­tional con­fer­ence for young econ­omists from around the globe. It is orga­nized by the doc­toral stu­dents in the Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram “Evi­dence Based Eco­nom­ics”.
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Participants at the EBE Summer Meeting 2018
Jun 2018
The Nobel Laureate Meeting – “Unique and unforgettable!”
Twelve mem­bers of the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia were al­lowed to take part in the 69th Lindau No­bel Lau­reate Meet­ing for Phys­iology and Medi­cine this year. The Elite Net­work of Ba­varia pays the con­fer­ence costs for its mem­bers who are ac­cred­ited after a de­manding appli­cation pro­cess.
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A young man gives a lecture on his research approach to viral infections.
Jun 2018
100 Years of Toeplitz-Hausdorff theorem
Ex­plor­ing Quan­tum Mat­ter had the hon­our to host the 14th Inter­na­tional Work­shop on Nu­meri­cal Rang­es and Radii (WONRA) for cele­brat­ing “100 years of the Toeplitz- Hausdorff theo­rem (1918/19)“. To this end, 50 re­searchers from all over the world as­sem­bled at Max Planck In­stitute for Quan­tum Optics (MPQ) and the Insti­tute of Ad­vanced Stud­ies (IAS) in Garching.
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Members of the International Doctorate Program “Exploring Quantum Matter” pose for a group photo.
Jun 2018
The Chameleon Effect - Michael Taussig in Munich
On 12 and 13 June 2018, Mi­chael Taussig vis­ited the In­ter­na­tion­al Doc­toral Col­lege MIME­SIS at the LMU Mu­nich. His lec­ture enti­tled "A Chameleon World" proved that work in the hu­man­ities can also con­sist of exu­berant con­nec­tions be­tween dis­par­ate ob­jects.
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Doctoral students listen closely to Michael Taussig’s explanations.
Jun 2018
3rd i-Target Retreat
Once a year all members of the In­ter­na­tion­al Doc­torate Pro­gram “immu­notraget­ing of can­cer: i-Target” meet for the i-Target re­treat at the Chiemsee. The doc­toral stu­dents pre­sent and dis­cuss their lat­est re­sults in a re­laxed at­mosphere.
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Participants of the i-Target Retreat 2018
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