Snippets of the Network

New research projects and Elite Programs, experiences from seminars and semesters abroad, reports from the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting and interdisciplinary events – our members write about their lives and the work they love.

Display 221-230 of 257
Oct 2018
Grand Opening Ceremony
Prof. Pinelopi Goldberg (Yale) opens the academic year with a lecture on the unequal burden on regions through international trade.
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A man thanks a woman with flowers and a book.
Oct 2018
Go abroad!
Students of the Elite Graduate Program "Integrated Immunology” of the first year are preparing with great enthusiasm for their internship abroad, which is anchored in the curriculum.
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Students and lecturers in front of a grey building on a meadow to take a group photo
Oct 2018
A Semester in Beijing: First Edition
"Standards of Decision-Making Across Cultures" requires students to spend their third semester in Beijing, where they have the opportunity to attend classes at the Beijing University. This significant part of their training in observing and analyzing sociocultural standards is made possible by a strong partnership with the European Centre for Chinese Studies.
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Students and teaching staff pose in front of the Department of Chinese, Beijing University.
Oct 2018
The first REASON practice transfer videos
The communication of research findings is an important key qualification in research and of essential relevance for society. The goal of the “Practice Transfer” project is to communicate the research conducted in the International Doctorate Program “REASON” in an understandable and accessible manner to diverse target audiences.
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Young people sitting in a seminar room and listening to an engaging speaker.
Sep 2018
MAOT Alumnus Appointed to Elite University
Mathias Unberath, a graduate of the Program “Advanced Optical Technologies”, has been hired as a professor by the John Hopkins University in the USA.
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Portrait photo: Professor Mathias Unberath
Sep 2018
The International Doctorate Program REASON in 2018
We are happy to report on considerable achievements in 2018 from the International Doctorate Program REASON.
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A speaker in front of an audience presenting a poster visible in the background.
Sep 2018
Italian Journey
Students of the Elite Graduate Program “Bavarian Graduate School of Computational Engineering“ participated in 2018 again in large numbers at the Ferienakademie in Sarntal (South Tyrol, Italy). This summer school was organized by the Technical University of Munich, the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, and the University of Stuttgart.
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Two young men sit on a rock on top of a mountain, a third student cowers behind them and looks over their shoulders. The two sitting students wear caps and focus on their notebooks.
Sep 2018
Istria in Transition
Rijeka, Pula, Koper and Trieste: these were the destinations of the annual summer school of the fourteenth year group of the Elite Graduate Program “East European Studies”. The aim of the seminar was to analyse the complex relations between the sea, modernity and identity in Istria.
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A group of people cycling through a park.
Sep 2018
SIMS Europe 2018
Ben­edikt Win­hard, stu­dent of the Grad­uate Elite Pro­gram “Ad­vanced Ma­terials and Pro­cess­es” deep­ened his re­search into sec­ondary ion mass spec­trom­etry (SIMS) dur­ing his stud­ies. His su­pervi­sor Dr. Ing. Ma­nuela Killi­an rec­om­mended partic­ipa­tion in the con­fer­ence "SIMS Eu­rope 2018" in Mün­ster. At this occa­sion, he also pre­sent­ed a scien­tific poster on his first re­search work.
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A young man and a woman smile into a camera.
Sep 2018
Roggenburg Practical Academy
From 14 to 21 Sep­tem­ber 2019 some 90 Max We­ber schol­arship hold­ers at­tend­ed the Prac­tical Academy at the Bild­ungszen­trum in Roggenburg. The partic­ipants agreed that the Academy could actu­ally have con­tinued for at least an­other week! That is, in a way, the only draw­back of a Prac­tical Academy: it’s over after just one week.
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A close-up image of a hand-made car.
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