Snippets of the Network

New research projects and Elite Programs, experiences from seminars and semesters abroad, reports from the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting and interdisciplinary events – our members write about their lives and the work they love.

Display 11-20 of 257
Jan 2024
Guest lectures in Scientific Computing
In sum­mer 2023 and winter 23/24, sever­al na­tional and inter­na­tional scien­tists gave guest lec­tures at the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Sci­entific Com­puting". The topics ranged from ma­chine learn­ing in car acci­dents to the math­emat­ics be­hind super­con­duc­tors.
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The image shows a typical mathematical, grid-based analysis of a specific component.
Jan 2024
Successful international research
With the be­gin­ning of the new year, stu­dents of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Bio­logi­cal Phys­ics” are once more set­ting out for their in-ter­na­tional re­search mod­ule with part­ners at, e.g., UC Irvine and UC Merced.
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A young man is standing behind a lectern speaking in front of a screen. His acknowledgement slide is seen in the background.
Dec 2023
Ethics of Textual Cultures: Podcast “Five to Twelve”
As part of our pod­cast “Five to Twelve” we con­duct criti­cal dis­cussions on cur­rent top­ics. On 1 De­cem­ber 2023 we met with Dr. Se­bas­tian Ku­bon to talk about the back­ground and con­se­quences of the cur­rent em­ploy­ment prac­tice in sci­ence and #Ich­Bin­Han­na.
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Collage of former podcast-guests with the logo „Five to twelve“
Nov 2023
Methods in Neuroscience
Students of the Elite Graduate Program "Translational Neuroscience" gain insights into neuroscientific methods and current research projects at the clinic and the JMU.
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ThY1-YFP-Expression in 10 % der untersuchten Neuronen wird mit der Postsynapse der untersuchten Neuronen kobiniert dargestellt. Grundlage ist eine konfokal-mikroskopische Aufnahme.
Nov 2023
News from Neuroscience
At the con­fer­ence "Transla­tional Neu­rosci­ence Au­tumn School 2023", sen­ior ex­perts and young re­searchers from vari­ous fields of neu­rosci­ence pre­sent­ed their latest re­search re­sults.
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The organization team of the Autumn school stands in the hall of the meeting venue right beside the banner of the master program Translational Neuroscience.
Nov 2023
Annual Celebration Software Engineering
On 24 No­vem­ber 2023 the annu­al cele­bra­tion of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Software Engi­neer­ing” took place. On this occa­sion 100 at­tend­ants wel­comed the 18th cohort of stu­dents and bid fare­well to the 16th co­hort.
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People eating at bar tables in a big foyer
Nov 2023
Alumni Speakers Series with Dr. Matthias Caro
Dr. Mat­thias Caro intro­duces the rele­vance of Bool­ean Fouri­er ana­lyt-ic meth­ods for classi­cal learn­ing theo­ry, dis­cusses ele­ments of quan-tum learn­ing theory and de­velops a framework for the classi­cal veri­fi-ca­tion of quan­tum learn­ing algo­rithms.
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Nov 2023
Small Satellite Conference 2023 in Berlin
Stu­dents of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Sat­ellite Tech­nolo­gy“ at JMU Würzburg at­tend­ed the Small Satel­lite Con­fer­ence 2023 in Ber­lin. The con­fer­ence dealt with the cur­rent politi­cal and tech­nolog­ical status of small satel­lite de­velopment in Ger­many.
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The students of the Elite study program "Satellite Technology" take a group photo together with Prof. Dr. Guido Dietl in front of the Small Satellite Conference stage.
Nov 2023
Guest lecture on autonomous regional trains
On 16 No­vem­ber 2023 Dr. Cor­nel Klein (Sie­mens AG) gave a talk in the spe­cial lec­ture series of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Software Engi­neer­ing”. The topic of the talk were the chal­lenges of the de­velopment of an au­tono­mous re­gional train.
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[Translate to English:] Prof. Knapp begrüßt den Gastdozenten Dr. Cornel Klein.
Nov 2023
Get Together of our new members 2023
The Get To­gether on 11 No­vem­ber 2023 in the Au­dimax of the TU Mu­nich of­fered new mem­bers the op­por­tunity to get to know the Elite Net­work and each other.
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Scholarship holders at the Foyer of the Audimax
Display 11-20 of 257