Snippets of the Network

New research projects and Elite Programs, experiences from seminars and semesters abroad, reports from the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting and interdisciplinary events – our members write about their lives and the work they love.

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Jun 2024
MWP summer party in Regensburg
In the morn­ing, the pro­gramme in­clud­ed a key­note speech on the MWP's an­nual theme of ‘Re­nun­cia­tion’, while in the after­noon, the Re­gens­burg schol­arship hold­ers invit­ed eve­ryone to take part in many dif­ferent ac­tivi­ties: from mind­ful­ness work­shops and hikes to a Wal­halla ascent and his­tor­ical city and mu­seum tours.
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Group photo of the scholarship holders from above
Jun 2024
Elite Cup 2024 – Perfect start to the European Championships for the Elite Network members
In 2024, numerous network members met again for a sporting competition as part of the traditional Elite Cup, this time in Regensburg.
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Group photo of the winning team with their fans.
May 2024
Marianne-Plehn-Program: Annual Meeting 2024
Come rain or shine, over 20 mem­bers of the Mari­an­ne-Plehn-Pro­gram gath­ered in Augsburg for a week­end filled with work­shops, net­work­ing, and cul­tural activi­ties.
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[Translate to English:] Eine Gruppe von Personen auf einer Treppe.
May 2024
20 years of Elite Network of Bavaria
With over 15,000 members, the Elite Network can look back on 20 years of successful support for talented academics in Bavaria.
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Three gentlemen and two ladies in festive dress are standing together in a semi-circle and are chatting.
Apr 2024
Driving innovations
Stu­dents and pro­fes­sors of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Mac­romo­lecu­lar Sci­ence” visit­ed the Neue Mate­rialien Bay­reuth GmbH (NMB). The re­search insti­tute is known for its inno­vative power in the field of mate­rials re­search and pro­cess de­velopment. The stu­dents were able to gain an im­pres­sion of the top­ics, the ap­proach and the prepa­ration of com­po­nents on an indus­trial scale on site.
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A man speaks at a lectern in front of a projection screen
Apr 2024
Opening Weekend 2024: Showing Strength
The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Ba­varian Grad­uate School of Com­puta­tional Engi­neer­ing” con­tinues its yearly open­ing week­end for 2024; we wel­come the in­com­ing batch of stu­dents. The schedule in­cludes team-building and shared ex­peri­ences from the sen­iors and alum­ni.
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A group of students posing in two rows
Mar 2024
Munich Management Colloquium
The “Mu­nich Man­age­ment Col­loqui­um” (MMK) is Ger­many's larg­est busi­ness con­gress. The Elite Net­work of Ba­varia ena­bled a total of ten mem­bers to partic­ipate free of charge in this top-class event, which took place from 5 to 6 March 2024 in the Au­dimax of the Tech­nical Uni­versi­ty of Mu­nich.
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[Translate to English:] Bild einer Bühne
Jan 2024
MWP network opens doors - interview with Nora Kory
MWP alum­na Nora Kory stud­ied bio­chem­istry at LMU Mu­nich and spent nine months at the Whitehead Insti­tute for Bio­medi­cal Re­search/Massachu­setts Insti­tute of Tech­nolo­gy (MIT) for her mas­ter's thesis. To­day, the 38-ye­ar-old heads her own inde­pen­dent re­search group at the Har­vard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and en­courages young re­searchers to try new things and be cou­ra­geous.
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A woman with long, brown hair sits at her desk and smiles at the camera.
Jan 2024
MWP New Year's Reception 2024
Almost 300 guests came to Munich for the traditional New Year's Reception of the Max Weber Program (MWP) to celebrate together in the Great Hall of LMU Munich. The keynote speech on the topic of "Renunciation" was the kick-off for the new MWP theme for the year.
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The auditorium of LMU Munich with a long alley and many chairs
Jan 2024
Stroke: research and treatment
What new find­ings are there in the field of exper­imental re­search, acute treat­ment, pre­ven­tion and after­care for stroke? These ques­tions were dis­cuss­ed by speakers from vari­ous disci­plines at the Ru­dolf Vir­chow Cen­tre in Würzburg as part of the Win­ter School of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Translational Medi­cine”.
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A group of women and men stand in the foyer of the Rudolf Virchow Centre in Würzburg
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