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Elite Cup 2023 – Football, food and fun

Every year, the favor­ite foot­ball tour­nament of the Elite Net­work brings to­gether mem­bers from all pro­grams with­in the net­work to claim the most pres­tigious prize of the net­work, the Elite Cup. The 2023 edi­tion took place in Mu­nich, where sunny weather al­lowed to enjoy a day full of foot­ball, food and fun. 12 teams fought for the glory, but only one could final­ly reach it. Who were the lucky ones?

The perfect opportunity to get in touch with other members of the Elite Network

In that sweet spot of the year, in which the sum­mer has al­ready ar­rived, but the ex­ams have not, stu­dents and facul­ty from the Elite Net­work en­joyed all to­gether a sunny and re­laxed Sat­urday in which, re­gard­less if one played foot­ball or not, fun was en­sured.

In this year edi­tion 11 pro­grams brought their teams and sup­por­ters to the event: Alongside this year’s hosts and title de­fend­ers, the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “The­oreti­cal and Mathemat­ical Phys­ics”(TMP), the Elite Grad­uate Pro­grams “Ad­vanced Op­tical Tech­nolo­gies” (MAOT), “Honors – Busi­ness, Eco­nom­ics and In­for­mation Sys­tems”, “In­te­grated Im­munology”, “Ba­varian Grad­uate School of Com­puta­tional Engi­neer­ing” (BGCE), “Honors De­gree in Tech­nolo­gy Man­age­ment” (CDTM), “Hu­man Biol­ogy”, “Neu­roen­gi­neer­ing”, “Global Change Ecol­ogy” (GCE), “Ad­vanced Sig­nal Pro­cess­ing and Communi­cation Engi­neer­ing” (ASC) took part in the tour­nament. Fur­ther­more the Max-Weber-Program also par­tici­pated with a team. The nov­elty of this year was the “All Stars Elitenetzwerk”, a team who em­braced the spirit of the event and put to­gether eve­ry­body who want­ed to play, have fun and meet new peo­ple.

Who takes home the Elite Cup?

After a wel­come from the or­gan­izers of this year, the Theo­reti­cal and Mathemat­ical Phys­ics Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram, the ball start­ed run­ning at 10:30 o’clock. In the morn­ing the group stage took place. Dis­tributed in three groups of four teams, this first ses­sion was a non-stop foot­ball party full of emo­tions and nerves, where the most popu­lar spot was the whiteboard with the clas­sifi­cati­on. By lunchtime, the four teams that would con­test the knockout phase in the after­noon had been de­cided.

After re­charging bat­teries with a well de­served lunch, the final knockout phase start­ed. Local TMP and CDTM played the first semi­final, reviv­ing last year’s final. The hosts man­aged to se­cure an­other win and a chance to de­fend the title. On the other match up, the Hon­ors pro­gram from Re­gens­burg fin­ished with the dream of the All Stars team. While these matches were defin­itive­ly excit­ing, no­body want­ed to stop play­ing, and it was pos­sible to set some friendly matches be­tween the teams elim­inated in the group stage, so eve­ry­body could keep play­ing.

In the match for the third posi­tion, the novel All Stars man­aged to reach a po­dium posi­tion in one of the sur­prises of the tour­nament. This was just the prel­ude for the mo­ment eve­ry­body was wait­ing for, the great final be­tween title de­fend­er TMP and the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Honors – Busi­ness, Eco­nom­ics and In­for­mation Sys­tems” from Re­gens­burg. In a match in which both teams played un­til ex­haus­tion, Hon­ors man­aged to rise to the victo­ry in penal­ties helped by their vig­orous sup­por­ters.

From here, con­gratu­la­tions once more to the Hon­ors team, who will host next year’s Elite Cup. The TMP mem­bers see you all next year in Re­gens­burg.

Text: Juan Manuel Cano Vila, student of the Elite Graduate Programm "Theoretical and Mathematical Physics"