Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Mathematics is the universal language of theoretical physics that is fundamental for an under­stan­ding of our world at the smallest and largest scales. Conversely, physical intuition supplies mathe­matics not only with relevant problems but can also suggest paths to new answers. Those at home with both worlds who have acquired a broad education can form fruitful connections and explore promising innovative approaches.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeMaster of Science
Duration of studyFour semesters
Place of studyMunich
PrerequisitesBachelor’s degree in mathematics or physics
Language of instructionEnglish
Application deadlineJune 15th
Apply now
Begin of studiesWinter semester
HeadProf. Dr. Jan von Delft
CoordinatorDr. Robert Helling
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

At home with both worlds

The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Theo­retical and Math­emati­cal Phys­ics” offers an unpar­alleled wide range of cours­es at the high­est level. Op­tional sup­ple­men­tary classes pro­vide stu­dents not only the possi­bility of deep­ening their com­pe­tences in the fields they spe­cialize in but also of gain­ing an over­view on topics and meth­ods in a vari­ety of math­emat­ics and phys­ics.

Men­tored by top scien­tists of Ludwig-Maximili­ans-Universi­tät Mün­chen, Tech­nische Uni­versi­tät Mün­chen and the Max Planck Insti­tutes in the area of greater Mu­nich, stu­dents direct­ly plunge into re­search pro­jects. The major­ity of our stu­dents come from abroad, which shows the high attrac­tive­ness of the­Pro­gram. Grad­uates from “Theo­retical and Math­emati­cal Phys­ics” are sought after as doc­toral stu­dents at the world’s lead­ing uni­versi­ties.

Portraitphoto: Jan von Delft

We are particularly proud how our students make use of the classes offered in mathematics and physics to perform transdisciplinary fundamental research at the highest levels as well as studying an exceptional spectrum of special topics.

Prof. Dr. Jan von Delft

Seeking answers to big questions

In their studies, students seek answers to big questions such as:

  • What is the quantum structure of space-time?
  • Why is the Fermi-scale stable?
  • Can one give a mathematical proof of the structure of the periodic table?
  • Can topology be used to design materials with new properties?
  • Which physics governs the origin of life?
  • What is the UV-completion of the Standard Model of particle physics?
  • What is the nature of dark matter and dark energy?
  • How can a quantum computer simulate quantum field theories?
  • Which disorderd systems fail to thermalize?
  • How can quantum many body systems be effectively computed?
  • What is the geometry of a random 3-manifold?

Snippets of the program

Elite Cup 2023 – The football tournament of the Elite Network

As title de­fend­er, the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram host­ed the foot­ball tour­nament which brought to­gether dif­ferent stu­dents from pro­grams.

Read the report

A group of young women and men in football jerseys are standing on the football ground. They are forming a circle around the team captain.

International cuisine instead of
physics and mathematics

A ma­jority of stu­dents in the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “The­oreti­cal and Math­emat­ical Phys­ics” come from abroad. In No­vem­ber, they met to cook and share food from their home coun­tries.

Read the report

Students help themselves to a buffet with many different dishes.

Snippets of the research

Geometry & Machine Learning

Mathis Gerdes worked with the development of machine learning methods for the determination of so-called Calabi-Yau metrics as part of his master's thesis.

Non-freezing liquids

Valentin Leeb investigated in his Master thesis characteristics of an exotic quantum material, evading classical physical understanding.

The Stringy Swampland

In his master thesis, Daniel Panea Lichtig investigates conjectured criteria to decide if some models of elementary particles can be unified with quantum gravity