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And the winner is …

The matter of the best football team in the Elite Network of Bavaria has been settled. This year’s edition of the annual EliteCup attracted 16 teams from Elite Graduate Programs, Inter­national Doctorate Programs and the Max Weber Program to compete for the trophy. For the first time in the tournament’s history, the teams also met up on the evening before the contest.

… Regensburg

The team put forward by „Honors-Wirt­schafts­wissen­schaften“ an Elite Graduate Program at the University of Regensburg, were the winners of this year’s EliteCup. On 9 June 2018, 16 teams from the Elite Network of Bavaria’s various program lines gathered in Olympiapark at the University Sports Center Munich (ZHS) for the annual football tournament. The competition was hosted by last year’s winners, the team from the „Honours Degree in Technology Management“.

“I was de­light­ed with the fair play on show throughout the tour­nament and the partic­ipants’ strong spirit of com­peti­tion,” said Jo­han­nas Ler­chen. A stu­dent of the Hon­ors De­gree in Tech­nolo­gy Man­age­ment, Ler­chen orga­nized the EliteCup to­gether with class­mate Jens Thumm. “Of course, the play­ers fought for every inch of grass dur­ing the games – but, when the final whis­tle was blown, there were al­ways two win­ning teams on the pitch, cheered on by the crowd.”

As well as the sport­ing com­peti­tion, the EliteCup also offers an op­por­tunity to meet stu­dents from a di­verse range of other sub­jects and pro­grams, forge new friendships and catch up with old faces. For the first time in the histo­ry of the EliteCup, the teams also met up in Mu­nich on the night before the tour­nament at the invita­tion of the team from the Hon­ors De­gree in Tech­nolo­gy Man­age­ment.

The annu­al foot­ball tour­nament has be­come a tra­dition of the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia. The inau­gural tour­nament was held back in 2003. All pro­grams under the um­brella of the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia can enter a team to con­test the EliteCup.

team to con­test the EliteCup.

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