Honours Degree in Technology Management

The Elite Gradu­ate Pro­gram “Hon­ours De­gree in Technol­ogy Man­age­ment“ comple­ments respec­tive main studies, is pur­sued simulta­neously and complet­ed with a certifi­cate. It is the aim of the Elite Gradu­ate Pro­gram to support excep­tional students in the area of the ap­plication of theory and methods. Practical experi­ences in technol­ogy re­search, product devel­opment and en­trepre­neurship empower students to take on lead­ership positions in socie­ty and industry.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeHonours Degree
Duration of studyTwo to four semesters (add-on study program)
Place of studyMunich
Admission requirementsStudent at a Bavarian University (Diploma, Bachelor or Master study program), after the third Bachelor semester
Language of instructionEnglish
HeadProf. Dr. Klaus Diepold
CoordinatorDaniela Breidenstein
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite Honours Degree in Technology Management

Technology Management: It’s about “getting things done“

The Elite study program “Honours am Degree in Technology Management“ at the Center for Digital Technology and Management (CDTM) consists of complementary courses that contain the complete “Innovation Cycle”. This includes a Trend-Seminar, a course on product development just as well as a course on market strategy, electives and a stay abroad.

Within the 7 weeks full-time “Trend Seminar”-course students learn how the business environment in a certain industry may develop in the future by analyzing trends, de­scrib­ing future scenarios and developing promising business ideas in cooperation with in­dus­try partners. In the course “Managing Product Development“ students develop a proto­type and product or service vision in small interdisciplinary teams. Together with an industry partner students will be guided through the product development cycle in 12 weeks: from problem definition and ideation to proto­typing and agile development. In the end students present their prototypes during a demo day. Within the market strategy course, the “Entrepreneurship Laboratory”, teams of students work on business chal­lenges presented by project partners, ranging from pricing over marketing to com­pany strategy. Optional subjects round off these core courses and complement the program with a variety of additional topics.

International and practice-oriented

The courses are held in close coopera­tion with top-class partners from industry and practice. A stay abroad of at least four months is a compul­sory part of the program "Hon­ours De­gree in Technol­ogy Man­age­ment". To this end, exclusive partner­ships have been estab­lished with top interna­tional universi­ties in Europe, North America and Asia. The pro­gram is comple­mented by at least two months of prac­tical ex­peri­ence.

Portrait photo: Prof. Dr. Klaus Diepold

This program is specifically motivating since interdisciplinary teams cooperate with business enterprises to create innovative solutions for real problems. Thereby students learn the craft of successful innovators.

Prof. Dr. Klaus Diepold

The study program offers students optimal access condi­tions for practical experi­ence on a nation­al and interna­tional level with compa­nies and organiza­tions from the network of the Center for Digi­tal Tech­nology and Man­agement via a job ex­change.

Snippets of the program

CDTM‘s green thumb

As part of the elective course "Center Farming", the CDTM students devoted themselves to the reproduction of a food computer.

Read the report

A young man working with a screwdriver.

Sustainable food choices

Enabling sustainable food choices with carbondioxid transparency

Read the report

A young women is standing in the supermarkt holding her mobilphone where the app is displayed.

Snippets of the research

Neuronal Networks

In his master’s thesis Marcel Beetz deals with the depth of convolutionary neural networks for medical image segmentation and classification.

Augmentation strategies

In his master’s thesis Amir Couchane's deals with the topic "Augmentation strategies for biomedical image segmentation".

Digital future of the construction industry

The course trendseminar examined the potentials and business models of the future for efficient and sustainable processes of the construction industry.