Satellite Technology

The aero­space sector is a very re­search-inten­sive field that offers attrac­tive jobs for highly quali­fied stu­dents. The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Satel­lite Tech­nolo­gy” focus­es on inter­disci­plinary space sys­tems engi­neer­ing skills. Se­lected excel­lent stu­dents are inten­sively sup­ported and trained for chal­leng­ing, inter­disci­plinary tasks in space sys­tems devel­op­ment with special appli­cation to Earth obser­vation and tele­com­muni­cation.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeMaster of Science
Duration of studyFour semesters
Place of studyWürzburg
Admission requirementsBachelor’s degree in sciences or engineering
Language of instructionEnglish
Application deadlineMarch 15th
Apply now
Begin of studiesWinter semester
HeadProf. Dr. Andreas Nüchter (Würzburg)
CoordinatorHeidi Frankenberger
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite Satellite Technology

Advanced space technologies and applications

The ob­jective of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Satel­lite Tech­nolo­gy“ is ena­bling stu­dents to work on the reali­zation of space mis­sions through its inter­disci­plinary curric­ulum and a close coop­eration with nearly all Bavar­ian space ex­perts in ac­adem­ia, re­search and indus­try. This re­quires com­peten­cies in com­puter sci­ence, math­emat­ics, geo­sci­ences, con­trol engi­neer­ing, me­chani­cal engi­neer­ing, mate­rials sci­ences, phys­ics, com­muni­cation and elec­trical engi­neer­ing. It is Würz­burg’s speci­ality to focus on elec­tronics and com­puter sci­ence meth­ods rather than tradi­tional fields such as me­chani­cal engi­neer­ing. Relat­ed adap­tive space sys­tems are very much in de­mand in re­search and indus­try envi­ron­ments, offer­ing excel­lent job pro­spects for our gradu­ates in the next-generation space indus­try.

The pro­gram of “Satel­lite Tech­nolo­gy“ mir­rors the three phases of space devel­op­ment: system analy­sis (1st semes­ter), system design (2nd semes­ter)and sys­tem im­ple­menta­tion (3rd semes­ter).

Dur­ing the 4th semes­ter stu­dents im­ple­ment the con­cepts of these semes­ters in their mas­ter’s theses. Course con­tents and re­search pro­jects focus on space sys­tems engi­neer­ing skills and in­clude inter­disci­plinary fields e.g. space dy­nam­ics, atti­tude and orbit con­trol, com­puter sci­ence, robot­ics, tele­com­muni­cation, remote sens­ing, elec­trical and me­chani­cal engi­neer­ing, con­trol engi­neer­ing and many more.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Nüchter

Dis­cover new things: "To boldly go where no man has gone be­fore!" - space offers excit­ing op­por­tuni­ties for fur­ther de­velopment of sci­ence and tech­nolo­gy. The skills learned in "Sat­ellite Tech­nolo­gy" can also be put to very good use on earth.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Nüchter

Individual support and comprehensive out-of-class curriculum

The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram inten­sively sup­ports stu­dents in hands-on real­ization of theo­retical lec­tures in hard­ware design clas­ses. Thus, stu­dents are in­volved in re­search topics in in­terdis­cipli­nary teams. Dur­ing the semes­ter breaks stu­dents can devel­op their skills in in­divid­ual re­search pro­jects at part­ner insti­tutions (e.g. space agen­cies, space re­search insti­tutes, space indus­try).

Snippets of the program

Small Satellite Conference 2023 in Berlin

Students attend the Small Satellite Conference 2023 in Berlin on the state of small satellite development in Germany.

Read the report

The students of the Elite study program "Satellite Technology" take a group photo together with Prof. Dr. Guido Dietl in front of the Small Satellite Conference stage.

Our Excursion to ESOC in Darmstadt

As a first gathering with the new SaTec students after the summer break, on 12th October more than twenty students from different Satellite Technology rounds visited ESA’s European Space Operations Center in Darmstadt.

Read the report

Three students stand in front of the parabolic antenna used to receive transmissions from the Es'hail 2 / QO-100.

Snippets of the research

High-res pics with CubeSats

Lukas Draschka integrates in his master thesis a multispectral camera into one of ZfT’s small satellites to support Bavarian agriculture from orbit

Internet of Things (IoT) via Satellite

Timon Petermann analyzed in his Master’s thesis the performance of the protocol LoRa and its enhancements for a global space-based IoT telecommunication.

Mapping the Moon

Together with NASA, Lennart Werner developed a novel Mapping technique for Lunar Rovers during his masters thesis.