Physics Advanced
with integrated graduate program

The “Physics Advanced” Program enables highly gifted students to obtain their doctoral degrees within a total of about 7 years, well ahead of the about 10-year national average, and fill leading positions in science, business and society.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeBachelor of Science, Master of Science, Dr. rer. nat.
Duration of studyEleven (+ three) semesters
Places of studyRegensburg, Erlangen
Admission RequirementsVery good performance in the first three semesters of the regular Bachelor course of Physics
Language of instructionEnglish in the classes dedicated to the course
HeadProf. Dr. Kristina Giesel (Erlangen)
Prof. Dr. Christoph Strunk (Regensburg)
CoordinatorProf. Dr. Michael Schmiedeberg (Erlangen)
Contact the coordinator (Erlangen)
Nicola Paradiso (Regensburg)
Contact the coordinator (Regensburg)
Further InformationWebsite of Physics Advanced

Study physics with an emphasis on research

The dedi­cated, very re­search-oriented gradu­ate pro­gram starts with the 3th or 4th semes­ter. In addi­tion to several lectures and ad­vanced experi­ments, it in­volves three special inte­grated courses in ex­peri­mental and theoret­ical physics and several small re­search projects in one of the many re­search groups of the physics de­part­ments of the two univer­sities. During this phase, the stu­dents spend one year togeth­er at the same univer­sity (one semes­ter in Erlan­gen and one in Re­gens­burg). The fourth year is typical­ly ded­icated to ac­quire deeper knowledge of the physics direc­tion target­ed for the disser­tation. The courses are sup­ple­mented by the general frame­work pro­gram of the Elite Net­work of Bavar­ia.

The in­terna­tional­ly ori­ented doc­torate pro­gram "Phys­ics Ad­vanced with inte­grated gradu­ate pro­gram" covers the 4th to 6th year. It in­cludes a mas­ter’s thesis, an in­tense doc­toral stud­ies pro­gram with lec­tures dedi­cated to special topics of mod­ern phys­ics, study days and inter­na­tional work­shops. Fur­ther­more, stu­dents are en­couraged to pursue pro­jects in re­search groups in Eu­rope or over­seas.

Porträtfoto: Prof. Dr. Christoph Strunk

Physics Advanced offers the unique possibility to promote excellent students in small groups individually and immerse them at an early stage into ongoing research. The cooperation of the two universities grants access to a broad field of science. 

Prof. Dr. Christoph Strunk



Dedicated supervision at the edge of research

Students within the pro­gram enter active areas of re­search via several dedi­cated pro­jects – plac­ing them direct­ly in re­search teams both at uni­versi­ties or abroad. Here stu­dents are taken to the fron­tiers of re­search very early on and partic­ular em­phasis is put on ena­bling them to work inde­pen­dent­ly. Pro­jects abroad are also finan­cially sup­ported by the Elite Net­work of Bavar­ia.

Master­ful com­muni­cation of great ideas is as im­portant as their con­cep­tion. Se­mi-an­nual Study Days and an annual Study Week pro­vide inten­sive train­ing for com­muni­cation of what stu­dents have learnt or dis­cov­ered in their pro­jects. The Study Week will usual­ly high­light one area of phys­ics of foun­da­tional im­portance or an area of cur­rent re­search inter­est, which will be chosen to­gether by stu­dents and pro­fes­sors.

The Study Days and the Study Week are a unique oppor­tunity for stu­dents to inter­act with pro­fessors infor­mally, invit­ed guest speak­ers from all over the world and their fellow stu­dents from Re­gens­burg and Erlan­gen. Many scien­tific ideas are born in such infor­mal set­tings.

Snippets of the program

Summer school on Quantum Computing

Summer school on quan­tum com­puting with lec­tures by ex­perts in the field on theo­reti­cal prin­ciples and ex­peri­men­tal reali­sation as well as nu­mer­ous as­sign­ments for the stu­dents.

Read the report

Cityscape of Regensburg from an elevated position; you can see the cathedral centrally, around it houses and in the foreground many trees.

Research Internship

As for Laura Diebel, there is the possibility for research internships already during the Bachelor studies.

Read the report

Detail picture: A hand writing on a sheet of paper.

Snippets of the research


Dr. Natalie Hell collaborated on a project of the EBIT-Group at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. There she widened her experience with lab astrophysics in the x-ray range.

Carbon Nano Tubes

Michael Nicklas studied the electronic transport properties in carbon nano tubes and developed new methods for their characterization.

Melcular Hollywood

Dominik Peller from the University of Regensburg developed the first microscope worldwide that can make the ultrafast motions of single melcules visible.