Integrated Immunology

Infec­tious diseases, cancer, autoim­mune diseases and the increas­ing number of aller­gies are a major chal­lenge for our soci­ety. The goal of the Elite Gradu­ate Pro­gram “Inte­grated Immu­nology” is to show stu­dents that im­muno­logical knowledge is a key qual­ification to solve these prob­lems. Innova­tive teaching concepts and a stay abroad prepare students the best way pos­sible for careers in sci­ence, industry or relat­ed fields.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeMaster of Science
Duration of studyFour semesters
Place of studyErlangen
Admission requirementsBachelor of Science (or equivalent) in Life Sciences and Medicine
Language of instructionEnglish
Application deadlineJuly 15th
Apply now
Begin of studiesWinter semester
HeadProf. Dr. Falk Nimmerjahn
CoordinatorDr. Anja Glanz
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite Integrated Immunology

Excellent scientific education through innovative teaching character

The Elite Gradu­ate Pro­gram "Inte­grated Immu­nology" offers out­standing students from Germany and abroad a prac­tice-oriented edu­ca­tion in the field of Im­munolo­gy. In addition to a basic educa­tion in immu­nology as well as cell and mo­lecular biology, the pro­gram pro­vides in-depth knowledge in clinical immu­nology. This unique combina­tion of basic and clin­ical-transla­tional teaching content allows students to di­rect­ly apply their acquired knowledge in a prac­tice-oriented way. From the very begin­ning, the latest topics and findings in im­muno­logical research are dealt with in seminars or by invited speakers. Accord­ingly, the Elite Gradu­ate Pro­gram Master's program keeps pace with the rapidly devel­op­ing field of re­search.

In addition to classi­cal teaching con­cepts, new and innova­tive forms of teaching such as prob­lem-oriented learning are used to strength­en team­work as well as leader­ship and organiza­tional skills. In order to maxim­ize learn­ing suc­cess, students are sup­ported by tutors and in­dividual­ly as­signed mentors. These are available to stu­dents as contact persons through­out their studies. A two- to three-month research stay in an inter­national laborato­ry com­pletes the in­novative pro­gram, allowing students to estab­lish an in­terna­tional net­work.

Individual support and flexibility

An exten­sive tutoring and mentor­ing pro­gram sup­ports the learning success of the stu­dents and helps with future career plan­ning. Innova­tive teach­ing meth­ods, such as prob­lem-ori­ented learning and the indi­vidual design of key qualifi­cations, provide a high level of flexibil­ity. Scien­tific retreats and in­sights into the re­search activi­ties of local collabo­rative re­search centers and doctor­al schools round off the out­stand­ing support pack­age for young tal­ents.

Portrait photo: Prof. Dr. Falk Nimmerjahn

Through the combination of innovative teaching concepts and practice-oriented immunological training, the program prepares students in a unique way for a career in one of the most exciting fields of research for the future of our society.

Prof. Dr. Falk Nimmerjahn

The Elite Gradu­ate Pro­gram "Inte­grated Immu­nology" with its proven and innova­tive teach­ing con­cepts, the combi­nation of basic princi­ples and clinical prac­tice, its interna­tional orienta­tion and a special super­vision concept offers stu­dents an ex­cellent oppor­tunity to posi­tion them­selves in the best possible way on a na­tional and inter­na­tional level with regard to ca­reers in science and indus­try.

Snippets of the program

Research up close

In March 2023, the students got the chance to participate in an international congress for their first time.

Read the report

Group photography of the 16 students from the 5th cohort of the master program Integrated Immunology at the “European Phagocyte Workshop” 2023 in the hotel’s inner courtyard.

Our „Long Night“

En­thusi­astic stu­dents of­fered an excit­ing in­sight into the im­mune sys­tem at the Long Night of Sci­ence.

Read the report

3 students in front of the posters with immunological content.

Snippets of the research

Hope for cancer patients

In her Master thesis, Lisabeth Emilius investigated immune responses against tumours, which could be used for the development of novel immunotherapies.

Staying alive

In his master thesis, Lukas Hatscher examined how specific dendritic cells survive acute inflammation to activate immune responses.

The Gut-Brain Axis

In her master’s thesis, Julia Zißler examined how gut-derived metabolites modify astrocytic responses in a Central Nervous System Inflammation.