Advanced Optical Technologies

Light is a universal tool within science and technology, offering possibilities we are only just beginning to understand. It can be used to communicate, take measurements, process materials, cure illnesses, and much more. The Elite Graduate Program “Advanced Optical Technologies” combines physics training in optics and laser physics with the option to specialize in all areas of engineering application.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeMaster of Science
Duration of study4 semesters
Place of studyErlangen
Admission requirementsA bachelor’s degree in physics or a relevant engineering subject
Language of instructionEnglish
Application DeadlineApril 15th
Apply now
Begin of studies Winter semester
HeadProf. Dr. Bernhard Schmauß
Coordinator Dr. Jürgen Großmann
Contact the coordinator
Further InformationWebsite Advanced Optical Technologies

Mastering the key technology light

At its core, the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Ad­vanced Op­tical Tech­nolo­gies” is an engi­neer­ing pro­gram within the Facul­ty of Engi­neer­ing. How­ever, it also offers a fun­damental educa­tion in phys­ics (op­tics, laser phys­ics) that goes far be­yond the usual offer­ings of engi­neer­ing pro­grams. This is essen­tial in the young and rapid­ly de­velop­ing field of optical tech­nolo­gies to ensure that gradu­ates can drive tech­nolog­ical devel­op­ments and forge entire­ly new paths.

In addi­tion to physics, the Elite Gradu­ate Pro­gram “Ad­vanced Optical Tech­nolo­gies” offers the entire spec­trum of teach­ing in optical tech­nolo­gies and their applica­tions, includ­ing electri­cal en­gineer­ing, me­chani­cal en­gineer­ing, materi­als sci­ence and engi­neering, chemi­cal and bioen­gineer­ing, medical tech­nology, and com­puter sci­ence.

The pro­gram is con­ducted in Eng­lish. Each year, the Elite Gradu­ate Pro­gram “Ad­vanced Optical Tech­nolo­gies” wel­comes around 20 stu­dents, usually from more than ten coun­tries. Daily interac­tion allows the stu­dents to ac­quire inter­cultural skills that will prove just as benefi­cial to their later careers as their well-founded sci­entific train­ing. German lan­guage courses for in­terna­tional stu­dents are also of­fered.

Portrait photo: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schmauß

The international and interdisciplinary program in Advanced Optical Technologies provides excellent training in optical technologies and allows students to choose their own specialisms.

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schmauß

Individually tailored study

After com­pleting the funda­mental training of the first semes­ter, stu­dents can select two special­isms from a choice of sev­en. The curricu­lum offers numer­ous oppor­tunities for stu­dents to tailor the pro­gram to their specific inter­ests. Op­tional classes in the Gradu­ate School in Ad­vanced Optical Tech­nolo­gies ­provide further oppor­tunities to spe­cial­ize.

Snippets of the program

Master’s thesis under Northern Lights 

From January to July 2022 Marie Reischke, student of the Elite Master’s Program “Advanced Optical Technologies” was working on her master’s thesis at the Arctic University of Tromsø in Norway.

Read the report

Northern lights over Norway

MAOT visits World Champion

On May 23, 2023 MAOT stu­dents travel to ASML - the world mar­ket leader in li­thog­raphy sys­tems and key actor for the worldwide chip indus­try.

Read the report

A sign with the inscription ASML

Snippets of the research

Raman spectroscopy

In his master’s thesis, Lucas Kreiss explored the combination of multi-photon imaging with Raman spectroscopy. He is now continuing his research at the SAOT Graduate School.

Old and new

Frances Lenahan simulated lithography systems in the extreme ultraviolet region to assess the imaging properties of these systems in regard to the production of integrated circuits.

Full Electric Field Characterization of Soliton-effect Self-compressed Few-cycle Laser Pulses by Optical Field-induced Electric Currents in a Dielectric Microjunction

In her master’s thesis Carolin Bauer investigated properties of ultrashort laser pulses.