
The International Doctorate Program "Philology" aims to compare European concepts and practices of philological work with corresponding traditions in Egypt, the Middle and Far East, and the Indian subcontinent, as well as in the Jewish and Arab worlds. In this way, commonalities and differences, continuities and discontinuities between concepts and practices of philological work will be explored on a global scale.

The International Doctorate Program at a glance

Duration of studyEight Semesters
Place of studyMunich, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Würzburg
Admission requirementsMaster's degree in the humanities (in one of the participating disciplines)
Application deadlineNo call for applications planned at present.
HeadProf. Dr. Beate Kellner
CoordinatorLaura Noll
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite "Philology"

Philology as a pre-modern practice in comparison

The Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram "Phi­lolo­gy", which is fund­ed by the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia and fo­cuses on the pre-modern peri­od, aims to exam­ine the histo­ry of philo­logi­cal prac­tices in their longue du­rée over a peri­od of more than four mil­lennia and to ex­plore them ex­em­plari­ly with the dis­serta­tions of the doc­toral stu­dents.

The aim of the Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram is to com­pare con­cepts and prac­tices of philo­logi­cal work on a global scale in order to dis­cover inter­cul­tural com­mo­na­li­ties and dif­fer­ences be­tween vari­ous pre-modern writ­ten cul­tures.

The Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram "Phi­lolo­gy" fol­lows the prin­ciple of no phi­lolo­gy with­out a liter­ary and cul­tural stud­ies.

Portrait: Prof. Beate Kellner

With its international and interdisciplinary orientation, the Doctorate Program offers young talents the best conditions and framework for excellent research in the humanities.

Prof. Dr. Beate Kellner

In the sense of a future-oriented further development of philology, the new possibilities of technologies in the field of digital humanities will be harnessed to test new research horizons and interests.The International Doctorate Program strives to provide its doctoral students with a research environment that stimulates inventive research and creates a framework for excellence.

Central questions for the International Doctorate Program

  1. The question, relevant to the history of knowledge and science, of pluralistic historical conceptions, model formations, practices and terminologies of philology
  2. The question, from the perspective of cultural studies, of possible global comparative perspectives and novel research insights that can be derived from these perspectives
  3. The question of the development of perspectives for a future philology