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“Unique and unforgettable!”

The Ba­varian Even­ing, orga­nized by the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia, is an inte­gral part of the annu­al Lindau No­bel Lau­reate Meet­ing. This year, mem­bers of the Elite Net­work were part of this unique global forum again and took ad­van­tage of the possi­bility to ex­change views inter­na­tional­ly on the high­est scien­tific level.

An unforgettable experience

“The Ba­varian Even­ing was a bril­liant op­por­tunity to net­work and talk to inter­na­tional scien­tists. The friendly and open at­mosphere was spe­cial and un­for­getta­ble. I can only rec­om­mend apply­ing for this ex­traor­dinary con­fer­ence with Nobel Lau­re­ates”, says Tim Schil­ling, who holds a schol­arship with the Max Weber Program of Ba­varia and partic­ipated in the Nobel Lau­reate Meet­ing this year.

In 2018, the Ba­varian Even­ing was orga­nized for the 11th time by the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia. From its be­gin­ning in 1951 to today, the Nobel Lau­reate Meet­ing at Lake Con­stance has de­veloped into a glob­ally unique fo­rum for inter­na­tional ex­change amongst Nobel laure­ates and young re­searchers.

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Exchanging ideas, presenting research results

“39 Nobel laure­ates and 600 young re­searchers from 84 dif­ferent coun­tries show the inter­na­tional signif­icance of this Nobel Lau­reate Meet­ing at Lake Con­stance. This scien­tific forum has estab­lished itself as a unique plat­form for top-flight scien­tists and young tal­ents to meet and ex­change their re­search and ide­as”, Bernd Sibler, the Ba­varian State Minis­ter of Edu­cati­on, stated at the 68th Nobel Lau­reate Meet­ing in Lindau.

Within the con­text of the Ba­varian Even­ing, which is tradi­tional­ly orga­nized by the Elite Network of Bavaria, Tanja Mül­ler and Dr An­dreas Puschnik pre­sent­ed their cur­rent re­search pro­jects. Tanja Mül­ler is a former stu­dent of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Neuro Cognitive Psychology” and currently inves­ti­gates fa­tigue from a neu­rosci­entific point of view at the University of Oxford. An­dreas Puschnik, who is cur­rently con­duct­ing re­search at Stan­ford Uni­versi­ty, pre­sent­ed his new ap­proach to viral infec­tions.

With their presenta­tions, these two mem­bers of the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia were in line with the core topics of that year’s Nobel Lau­reate meet­ing. Amongst oth­ers, this year’s topics in­clud­ed the bio­logi­cal clock, per­sonal­ized medi­cine, genet­ic engi­neer­ing and the role of sci­ence in a post-factual era.