Neuro-Cognitive Psychology

Neu­ro-Cog­nitive Psy­cholo­gy is an inter­disci­pli­nary re­search and train­ing field that ap­proaches basic issues of cogni­tive psy­cholo­gy (e.g., how does memory work?) not only using meth­ods and con­cepts of exper­imental psy­cholo­gy, but also those of neuro­sci­ences. The focus of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Neu­ro-Cog­nitive Psy­cholo­gy” is on this inte­gra­tive ap­proach to­wards a neurosci­entifi­cal­ly-ori­ented exper­imental psy­cholo­gy.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeMaster of Science
Duration of studyFour semesters
Place of studyMunich
Admission requirementsBachelor of Science
Language of instructionEnglish
HeadProf. Dr. Simone Schütz-Bosbach
CoordinatorLisa Beckmann
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite Neuro-Cognitive Psychology

Excellent training in neuro-cognitive psychology

The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Neu­ro-Cog­nitive Psy­cholo­gy” pro­vides a sta­te-of-the-art train­ing in the con­tents/concepts and meth­odo­logical ap­proaches of exper­imental psy­cholo­gy and cogni­tive neuro­sci­ences. In doing so, the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Neu­ro-Cog­nitive Psy­cholo­gy” offers excel­lent train­ing in key quali­fica­tions as well as guid­ance to­wards post-graduate/ doc­toral stud­ies in Mu­nich (e.g., GSN-LMU) or na­tional or inter­na­tional uni­versi­ties/ re­search insti­tu­tions. About 95% of the NCP stu­dents em­bark on a PhD ca­reer.

International, interdisciplinary and research-oriented

The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Neu­ro-Cog­nitive Psy­cholo­gy” re­cruits stu­dents from around the world. An excel­lent stu­dent-staff ratio guar­antees inten­sive indi­vidu­alized super­vision. Each year, only about 15 na­tional and inter­na­tional stu­dents are admit­ted to NCP; some 50% of the stu­dents come from abroad (coun­tries of origin in­clude Cana­da, China, Fin­land, India, USA, etc.). The NCP pro­gram is, by de­sign, an inter­disci­pli­nary study pro­gram, with course offer­ings from the brain re­search-orient­ed sub-disciplines of psy­cholo­gy (in­clud­ing Neu­ro-/Biology) as well as from medi­cine and com­puting sci­en­ces.

A core fea­ture of NCP is its re­search orien­tation: it is in­tend­ed to equip stu­dents with the con­ceptu­al knowledge and meth­odo­logical skills for a career in basic and ap­plied sci­ence at uni­versi­ty/research insti­tu­tions or in indus­try. Of par­ticular im­portance in this con­text is a thor­ough grounding in neuro­scien­tific meth­od­olo­gy.

To this end, NCP offers meth­odo­logical train­ing in gen­eral exper­imental de­sign, behav­ioral tech­niques (men­tal chro­nometry and psy­cho­phys­ics), the re­cord­ing and analy­sis of brain-imaging (EEG and fMRI) data, and the math­emati­cal/(neuro-) com­puta­tional mod­elling of large data sets. The em­phasis is on hands-on re­search expe­rience, real­ized, e.g., by stu­dents under­taking two labor­atory intern­ships during the breaks be­tween lecture peri­ods.

Portrait photo: Prof. Dr. Hermann J. Müller

Our study program is designed to provide a highly selected group of inter-/national students with an advanced, research-oriented education in this rapidly expanding field at the inter­section between experimental psychology and cognitive neurosciences.

Prof. Dr. Hermann J. Müller

The phi­loso­phy be­hind these labor­atory pro­jects is that stu­dents can bene­fit the most by work­ing along­side a team of scien­tists in third-party-funded re­search (e.g., pro­jects fund­ed by the Ger­man Re­search Foun­da­tion/DFG).

In the sec­ond, ad­vanced stage of the NCP course, stu­dents are pro­vided the oppor­tunity to ex­tend and deep­en their knowledge in basic-science and ap­plied-research areas of spe­ciali­zation, such as “neu­roim­aging” or “neu­roen­gi­neer­ing”.

Snippets of the program

Active Perception

Students benefit from the second funding period of the research group “Active Perception”.

Read the report

Close-up of an investigation by means of electroencephalography for which electrodes, mounted in elastic caps, are placed on the scalp.

New brain imaging lab

A new MRI scanning facility has been established at LMU Campus Innenstadt and Department of Psychology. 

Read the report

Close-up picture of an MRI scanner with tube and scanner couch.

Snippets of the research

Social Perception

In her master’s thesis Erica Westenberg used eye-tracking to examine (patho-)physiological processes in individuals with autism spectrum disorder.

Transsaccadic memory

In her master’s thesis Lisa Kröll investigated the properties of transsaccadic memory.

Memories for future actions

Daniela Gresch investigated in a research project the relation between memories and future actions.