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Student Paper Prize awarded at the SIAM CS&E conference 2023

The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram „Ba­vari­an Graduate School of Computa­tion­al En­gi­neer­ing“(BGCE) has awarded the 9th GCE Stu­dent Paper Prize for out­stand­ing con­tribu­tions of stu­dents in the field of Com­puta­tional Sci­ence and Engi­neer­ing at the ­AM CS&E con­fer­ence 2023 which took place from Feb­ruary 26 to March 3, 2023, in Am­ster­dam.

The Concept of the BGCE Student Paper Prize

The win­ner of the prize is going to visit Ba­varia, the FAU Er­langen-Nu­rem­berg and TUM and will be get­ting in close con­tact with mem­bers of BGCE. The main goal of the prize is to sup­port excel­lent stu­dents in the field of Com­puta­tional Sci­ence and Engi­neer­ing (CSE) and to foster inter­na­tional ex­change at an early career level. Mas­ter’s stu­dents as well as Ph.D. can­di­dates are eligi­ble for the prize and have to sub­mit a short paper of 4 pages. Out of these sub­mis­sions, a BGCE board se­lects the final­ists who pre­sent their work in two spe­cial BGCE Stu­dent Paper Prize mini­sym­posia of the SIAM CS&E con­fer­ence, this year in MS 78 and MS 155.

Student Paper Prize Contributions in 2023

The seven se­lected prize final­ists pre­sent­ed the fol­low­ing top­ics:

  • Elena Zap­pon (De­part­ment of Mathemat­ics, Politecnico di Mila­no): Effi­cient Re­duced Order Mod­eling for Cou­pled Prob­lems in Car­diac Elec­tro­phys­iolo­gy
  • Gaurav Arya (MIT): Au­to­matic Dif­feren­ti­ation of Pro­grams with Dis­crete Ran­dom­ness
  • There­sa Poll­inger (Insti­tut für paral­lele und verteilte Sys­teme, Uni­versi­tät Stuttgart): A Mass-con­serv­ing Sparse Grid Com­bi­nation Tech­nique with Biorthogo­nal Hier­ar­chical Basis Func­tions for Ki­netic Simu­la­tions
  • Piyush Pan­chal (ETH Zü­rich): Elec­trostatic Force Com­puta­tion using the Boundary Ele­ment Method
  • Matteo Fer­rari (De­part­ment of Sci­ence \& Mathemat­ics, Politecnico di Tori­no): The John­son-Nédélec cou­pling for exte­rior prob­lems: de­velopments on the sta­bility and a virtu­al ele­ments ap­proach
  • Maria Luisa Tac­cari (Uni­versi­ty of Leeds): Ma­chine Learning for Fast and Reli­able Groundwa­ter Sur­rogate Mod­els
  • Shane A. McQuarrie (The Uni­versi­ty of Texas at Aus­tin): Oper­ator Infer­ence for Af­fine-para­met­ric Sys­tems of Par­tial Dif­feren­tial Equa­tions

Student Paper Prize Winner 2023

An in­terna­tional jury as­sessed the pa­pers and presenta­tions which were all of very high quali­ty. The jury com­prised the fol­low­ing inter­na­tional re­searchers: Hart­wig Anzt (Uni­versi­ty of Ten­nessee Knoxville), Es­mond Ng (Law­rence Berkeley Na­tional La­bora­tories, USA), Carol Woodward (Law­rence Liv­er­more Na­tional La­bora­tories, USA), Mat­thias Bolten (Uni­versi­ty of Wup­per­tal) and Hans-Joachim Bun­gartz (TUM).

The jury agreed ra­ther quickly this year on the win­ner. Shane A. McQuar­rie’s con­tribu­tion nicely co­vers dif­ferent facets of CSE: Start­ing from the meth­od­ology of op­erator infer­ence for par­tial dif­feren­tial equa­tions over nu­meri­cal as­pects and the im­ple­men­tation of the im­plicit Runge-Kutta Radau meth­od of fifth order to the appli­cation onto the Fitz­Hugh-Nag­uma model of a neu­ron. Shane has ob­tained his re­sults at the Oden Insti­tute for Com­puta­tional Engi­neer­ing and Sci­ences at the Uni­versi­ty of Texas at Aus­tin in col­la­bo­ratii­on with Karen Will­cox.

We thanks all final­ists for the con­tribu­tion, thank the jury for its ef­forts, once more con­gratu­late the win­ner warmly, and are look­ing for­ward to inter­esting dis­cussions and in­tense ex­change at Shane McQuar­rie’s visit in Ba­varia in sum­mer.

Text: Tobi­as Neck­el, coor­dina­tor of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Ba­varian Grad­uate School of Com­puta­tional Engi­neer­ing"