Bavarian Graduate School of Computational Engineering

Compu­tations connect theory with experi­ment and repre­sent a third ap­proach to gain insight and achieve opti­mized prod­ucts. Simula­tion or machine learn­ing, super­com­puter or GPU, evo-lu­tionary or dis­ruptive insight: Major break­throughs in to­day’s tech­nologies can only be real­ized with the support of com­puta­tional meth­ods. The Elite Gradu­ate Pro­gram prepares students perfect­ly for future chal­lenges in this field due to a concept extend­ing across loca­tions and an individ­ual mentor­ing in a truly multi­discipli­nary con­text.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeMaster of Science with Honors Certificate
Duration of studyFour semesters
Place of studyMunich, Erlangen
Admission requirementsYou must study one of these three master programs: Computational Engineering (FAU), Computational Mechanics (TUM), Computational Science and Engineering (TUM)(TUM)
Language of instructionEnglish
Application deadlineJanuary 31st
Apply now
Begin of studiesSummer semester
HeadProf. Dr. Hans-Joachim Bungartz
CoordinatorDr. Tobias Neckel
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite Bavarian Graduate School of Computational Engineering

New Insight via Computational Approaches

Many tech­nical innova­tions will be achieved in multi­discipli­nary teams only: Engi­neers, mathe­mati­cians and com­puter scientist need to work closely togeth­er. In this context, realistic simula­tions on efficient com­puter systems are a key tech­nolo­gy.

Master­ing this im­portant tool allows for an im­portant devel­opmen­tal edge in the world-wide compe­tition in almost all dis­ci­plines. Scientists and engi­neers working in such multi­discipli­nary teams need consid­erably more exper­tise and experi­ence in all in­volved fields com­pared to tradi­tional degree pro­grams.

There­fore, the multi­discipli­nary and interna­tional master’s degree pro­grams “Com­puta­tional Me­chanics" (COME), “Com­puta­tional Science and Engi­neering" (CSE) and “Com­puta­tional Engi­neering" (CE) were intro­duced in the early 2000s at TU Munich and FAU Erlan­gen-Nürn­berg. These three Master pro­grams repre­sent the base pro­grams for the “Bavar­ian Gradu­ate School of Compu­tational Engi­neering (BGCE)“.

Portrait photo: Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Bungartz

The Elite Graduate Program teaches the methodology of advanced computing for simulations and data analyses in science and engineering – interdisciplinary and at the highest level.

Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Bungartz

While keep­ing the success­fully intro­duced base pro­grams with a Master of Sci­ence, students of the Elite Gradu­ate Pro­gram BGCE obtain a Master of Sci­ence with addi­tional designa­tion “with hon­ours”. BGCE thus repre­sents an umbrel­la struc­ture for the base pro­grams COME, CSE, and CE. A new, re­search- and pro­ject-fo­cused compo­nent in the ed­ucation extends the ex­isting curricu­la while exploit­ing syn­ergies between differ­ent top­ics and loca­tions.

Simulations and High-Performance Computing

Many simula­tion tasks require a high compu­tational power of the underly­ing com­puter systems, fre­quently related to High-Per­for­mance Compu­ting (HPC). Bavaria leads the German national ranking with respect to the usage of HPC systems. The super­com­puter Super­MUC-NG is located in the Leib­niz-Re­chen­zentrum (LRZ) in Garching close to Mu­nich.

As of No­vember 2018, this machine is the second-fastest sys­tem in Europe while apply­ing ebul­lient cooling in a unique order of magni­tude to reduce the en­ergy con­sump­tion. Hence, the compu­tational infra­struc­ture pro­vides – in com­bination with the scien­tific envi­ronment – opti­mal condi­tions for simula­tions and data analyses in the context of the “Bavar­ian Gradu­ate School of Compu­tational Engi­neer­ing”.

Snippets of the program

Opening Weekend 2024

On 12th April, 19 new students were officially accepted into the BGCE program.

Read the report

A group of students posing in two rows

9th BGCE Student Paper Prize

The Elite Graduate Program BGCE awarded the 9th Student Paper Prize at the international SIAM CS&E 23 conference

Read the report

A group of young people in front of a wall.

Snippets of the research

Regenerative thermodynamic cycles

In his master’s thesis, Markus Lohmayer worked on a systemtheoretical framework from modeling and optimization of regeneraticve heat engines.

Simulation of a UV-Light Air Purifier

Air purifiers can play a valuable role in reducing the spread of diseases. I developed a simulation which can support engineers in the development of such devices at CERFACS.

Multigrid technique in FCM

A project by Oguz Oztoprak to investigate the effectiveness of multigrid techniques in handling ill-conditioning in FCM.