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Startup-Tour Berlin

The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Honours De­gree in Tech­nolo­gy Man­age­ment", lo­cated at the Cen­ter for Digi­tal Tech­nolo­gy and Man­age­ment (CDTM), is known for its di­verse col­la­bora­tive activi­ties. These in­clude the Berlin Startup Tour, which is slow­ly but surely be­com­ing a beau­tiful tradi­tion at CDTM. Dur­ing a three-day ex­cur­sion, active CDTM stu­dents and alum­ni visit­ed va-ri­ous startups in Ber­lin.

From the diagnose to trading bitcoins

After the day, for students and alumni of the Elite Graduate Program "Honours Degree in Technology Management", had begun early in the morning with a train ride from Berlin to Munich, the first stop of the startup tour was awaited at 2.30 pm. The first stop was KRY, a Swedish telemedicine startup. There the students were welcomed by Manuel Grossmann, a former CDTM student who helps the company with its mission to bring remote diagnostics to Germany. The next stop was Bitwala, a blockchain bank. Bitwala offers its customers a bank account including a digital purse. This allows easy trading with Bitcoins. The co-founder and CTO, Ben Jones, told the students the history of the company and shared his view of the media hype about crypto currencies.

Pizza and interesting conversations above the roofs of Berlin

The next day began with a visit to the FreightHub of­fice. The stu­dents were greet­ed by co-founder and for­mer CDTM stu­dent Mi­chael Wax, who gave inspir­ing in­sights into the founding of a suc­cess­ful logis­tics startup. Af-ter deli­cious pizza and inter­esting dis­cussions on the roof ter­race of FreightHub's of­fice, the stu­dents went on to the next desti­na­tion: 7Mind. The medi­tation startup was founded in 2014 by Ma­nuel Ronnefeldt and Jonas Leve. In a re­laxed group, the stu­dents had the op­por­tunity to talk shop with the founders of the com­pany and gather fur­ther in­sights with a view to set­ting up a startup.

The last stop on this day is the startup BCG Digi­tal Ven­tures. Here the stu­dents and alum­ni of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Honours De­gree in Tech­nolo­gy Man­age­ment" got a deep in­sight into the work of the em­ploy­ees of BCG DV. Many paral­lels to the sec­ond core course "Managing Prod­uct De­velopment" in the study pro­gram of the CDTM stu­dents also be­came visi­ble.

Between data-based solutions and investment cases

These days, every­thing re­volves around da­ta. That is why the group visit­ed Con­tiamo and its beau­tiful work­rooms at We­Work at Pots­damer Platz. Stef­fen Iwan, a for­mer CDTM stu­dent and cur­rently head of busi­ness de­velopment at Con­tiama, pro­vided inter­esting in­sights into how the startup de­velops valu­able data-based solu­tions for its cus­tomers. After the last visit, dur­ing which Holtzbrinck VC was on the pro­gram, the event­ful day on the roof ter­race of Holtzbrinck VC ended com­forta­bly.

Text: Elite Graduate Program "Honours Degree in Technology Management"