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SIMS Europe 2018

Benedikt Winhard, student of the Graduate Elite Program “Advanced Materials and Proc­esses” deepened his research into secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) during his studies. His supervisor Dr. Ing. Manuela Killian recommended participation in the conference "SIMS Europe 2018" in Münster. At this oc­ca­sion, he also presented a scientific poster on his first research work.

Benedikt Winhard at conference SIMS Europe 2018

Benedikt Winhard, a student of the Elite Graduate Program "Advanced Materials and Processes", participated in the SIMS Eu­rope 2018 con­fer­ence in Mün­ster. He re­ceived great in­sights into sta­te-of-the-art re­search in­volving the appli­cation and ongo­ing de­velopment of dif­ferent tech­niques in the field of sec­ondary ion mass spec­trom­etry (SIMS), pri­marily time-of-flight SIMS (ToF-SIMS).

The con­fer­ence "SIMS Eu­rope 2018" lasted three days: On the first day the basics of SIMS in­stru­ments, the opera­tion and data analy­sis in cours­es were taught. Sci­entists who do not use these analy­sis tools on a regu­lar basis could learn or re­fresh the neces­sary ba­sics. On the sec­ond and third day, re­search groups pre­sent­ed their latest results in vari­ous ses­sions. A poster presentation on the even­ing of the sec­ond day pro­vided an op­por­tunity to pre­sent and dis­cuss results in more de­tail.

By tak­ing part in the poster presentation, Ben­edikt Win­hard was able to show parts of his re­search that he con­duct­ed in the con­text of his mini­pro­ject, which was su­pervised by Dr. Ma­nuela Killi­an. He also intro­duced the latest results achieved within this pro­ject using ToF-SIMS analy­sis. Addi­tional­ly, the con­fer­ence served as per­fect prepa­ration for his mas­ter thesis: the mem­bers of his future team at NESAC/Bio pre­sent­ed the latest find­ings in this area. Last but not least, Ben­edict Win­hard also gained im­portant im­petus for his fur­ther re­search.

per­fect prepa­ration for his mas­ter thesis: the mem­bers of his future team at NESAC/Bio pre­sent­ed the latest find­ings in this area. Last but not least, Ben­edict Win­hard also gained im­portant im­petus for his fur­ther re­search.

Text: Elite Graduate Program "Advanced Materials and Processes"