Advanced Materials and Processes

Every mod­ern tech­nology, from im­plants to solar cells and com­puter chips, re­quires new func­tional materi­als and high-perfor­mance materi­als. These are in­creas­ingly pro­duced using mod­ern meth­ods of nano­tech­nology, as well as bio­tech­nology and chemi­cal engi­neer­ing. The inter­disci­plinary Elite Gradu­ate Pro­gram “Ad­vanced Mate­rials and Pro­cesses” (MAP) there­fore com­bines materi­als science with chemi­cal and bioen­gineer­ing in a unique cur­riculum to pro­duce better materi­als more effi­ciently and sus­taina­bly.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeMaster of Science
Duration of studyFour semesters
Place of studyErlangen, Bayreuth, Würzburg
Admission requirementsBachelor’s degree in chemical and biological engineering, materials science and engineering or related subjects.
Language of instructionEnglish
HeadProf. Dr. rer. nat. Nicolas Vogel
Prof. Dr. Peter Felfer
Coordinator MAP Office
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite MAP

New Materials and Processes

Advanced Ma­terials and Pro­cesses (MAP) is a combi­nation of materials science and engi­neering with chemical and bio­logical Engineer­ing. These disci­plines play a key role in the develop­ment of novel technolo­gies – without the de­velop­ment of new ma­terials, a great range of key in­ventions from dig­ital com­puters or jet en­gines to custom­ized med­ical im­plants would not have been pos­sible. Novel materials with new function­alities or improved proper­ties, however, require specifi­cally de­signed, economi­cally and environ­mentally sustaina­ble pro­duction processes – which might them­selves depend on the develop­ment of new cata­lyst mate­rials. This intimate connec­tion be­tween processes and mate­rials is of key im­portance for ad­vances and inno­vations in virtually any field of tech­nology. Chemical and bio­logical engineer­ing and materials science and engi­neering are thus highly inter­twined fields, which are, how­ever, treated as separate subjects in tradi­tional educa­tion.

Excellent learning surroundings

The Elite Graduate Program offers highly gifted students with an interest in engineer­ing an out­stand­ing cross-curricular program in English lan­guage.

Besides its in­terna­tional orienta­tion, a major asset of the pro­gram is its ex­cep­tionally strong rela­tionship be­tween lectur­ers and stu­dents. The Elite Gradu­ate Pro­gram focuses on the imple­menta­tion of engi­neering knowledge in material devel­opment and process engi­neering, in par­ticular through the net­work­ing of the disci­plines of ma­terials science and engi­neering and chemi­cal and bioen­gineer­ing, which are strong­ly rep­resent­ed at FAU.

Portrait image of the speakers

Functional high-performance materials have become in­dis­pens­able in our everyday lives. In MAP, we train tomorrow's en­gi­neers to competently shape the development of such ma­te­ri­als from the molecular structure to the sustainable manufacturing process.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nicolas Vogel and Prof. Dr. Peter Felfer

Students can choose from four main areas of study: Bio­materi­als and Biopro­cessing, Nano­materi­als and Nano­tech­nology, Com­puta­tional Materi­als Sci­ence and Process Simula­tion and Ad­vanced Pro­cesses. The pro­gram in­cludes lec­tures, tutori­als and softskill semi­nars. It is a practi­cal, re­search-intensive study pro­gram with practi­cal work in the work­ing groups of par­ticipat­ing profes­sors.

The combi­nation of ex­pertise in the field of materi­als and process tech­nology ensures very good per­spec­tives on the global job market. MAP gradu­ates are sought-after spe­cialists, espe­cially in the modern profes­sional envi­ron­ment of indus­trial re­search and devel­opment de­part­ments as well as in produc­tion and tech­nical sales. They will find attrac­tive career pro­spects in vari­ous indus­tries, but also in com­panies that use corre­spond­ing prod­ucts as se­mi-fin­ished prod­ucts or acces­sories. MAP gradu­ates are also in de­mand for state re­search and project man­age­ment as well as in in­de­pen­dent consult­ing compa­nies and in man­age­ment.

Snippets of the program

Research stay in Valencia

Student conducts four month research stay at Instituto de Tecnologia Química (ITQ) in Valencia focusing on novel catalyst development.

Read the report

Futuristic buildings are grouped around a large, artificial water basin.

Physical models for breast cancer radiotherapy

After developing an idea during an entrepreneurship training program, Lara and Akshat use their scientific skills to address a biomedical need.

Read the report

A young man and a young woman in elegant clothes are smiling at the camera.

Snippets of the research

Targeted cancer therapy

In his master thesis, Nel Schulte optimizes and characterizes the synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery in cancer therapy.

Heat protection on demand

Katja Wadlinger is developing smart heat protection foils within the spin-off project AMPERIAL

Using greenhouse gases

Ana de Oliveira’s Master’s Thesis deals with the process of dry reforming of methane to produce valuable synthesis gas. A poster of her research was awarded.