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Seminar on Space Debris Modeling

The Space Debris Modeling seminar was delivered by Dr. Carsten Wiedemann from Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme, TU Braunschweig, in the framework of Master in Satellite Technology. The talk aimed at creating awareness among students and academia about the hazards of space debris to current and future space missions. Space debris modeling is a significant topic of research for sustaining our space infrastructure with the growth of the satellite industry.

Hazards of space debris

One of the highlights in the current semester for the students of the Elite Graduate Program "Satellite Technology" was the seminar on Space Debris Modeling delivered by Dr. Carsten Wiedemann at the University of Wuerzburg. Due to the high relevance of this topic, the seminar was open to a wider audience and professors, assistants and students of other courses also attended this event.

With the launch of commercial mega constellations, the risk of collision with existing space debris and generation of new debris mandates predicting the probabilities of collisions. This seminar gave a glimpse of state of the art simulation techniques of space debris that can keep our space missions safe. 

Dr. Wiedemann presented the different types of debris and their impact on the satellites and future manned spaceflight. Furthermore, the potential hazards of space debris and meteoroids to telecommunication satellites were presented. In collaboration with the European Space Agency the researchers at TU Braunschweig are developing state of the art space debris modeling methods and simulation software to keep space a safe place to operate in.

Impressions and comments

Dr. Carsten Wiedemann managed to convey the complex topic of “Space Debris Modeling” in an interesting and understandable way. Our students left the event with more awareness about the topic and expressed positive comments about the lecture in follow-up discussions:

“Space Situational Awareness is an interesting and relevant topic, therefore it was good to have this guest lecture and to get an assessment of the space debris situation from an expert.”, said Timon Petermann, a Satec student at University of Wuerzburg.

Another Satec student, Lisa Elsner, remarked, “I liked that Dr. Wiedemann gave some insight into the simulation tool MASTER and I was impressed how they used this tool to estimate collisions in space that happened years ago.”

Text: Elite Graduate Program "Satellite Technology“