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Guest lectures in Scientific Computing

In order to launch the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram in Scien­tific Com­puting, a lec­ture series with na­tional and inter­na­tional guest speakers was held for the winter se­mes­ter 2019/2020. This event re­turned in 2023 with a slight­ly dif­ferent con­cept. The guest lec­tures were now spread over two se­mes­ters in­stead of many lec­tures in one se­mes­ter.

National and international guest researchers

Scien­tists from Italy, Swit­zer­land and Ger­many ac­cept­ed the invita­tion to give guest lec­tures in Bay­reuth in the sum­mer se­mes­ter 2023 and winter se­mes­ter 2023/2024, with two lec­tures taking place per se­mes­ter. The topics pre­sent­ed, broadly cov­ered the sub­ject of scien­tific com­puting. For ex­am­ple, one lec­ture pre­sent­ed a nu­meri­cal meth­od with which the shal­low water equa­tions can be simu­lated more simp­ly and effi­cient­ly. This type of equa­tion is often used to simu­late flood­ing, for ex­am­ple, which is be­com­ing in­creas­ingly im­portant, non the least be­cause of cli­mate change. How­ever, two lec­tures were par­ticu­larly mem­orable for the stu­dents.

Mathematics behind superconductors

Super­con­duc­tors are mate­rials that can con­duct elec­tricity with­out loss. The tech­nical possi­bili­ties here are enor­mous. These mate­rials are used where very strong mag­netic fields are re­quired, such as in parti­cle accel­era­tors, mag­netic levita­tion trains or mag­netic reso­nance tomo­graphs. For mate­rials to reach this par­ticular state, very low tem­pera­tures close to abso­lute zero, i.e. around -273°C, are gen­erally re­quired. In the last ten years, physi­cists have tried to achieve the prop­erty of "su­perconduc­tivity" at higher tem­pera­tures by pro­duc­ing new mate­rials. How­ever, the manu­fac­turing pro­cess is highly com­plex, as the ef­fects of long-range inter­ac­tions on the col­lec­tive exci­tation of the con­den­sate must be ana­lyzed when com­bining dif­ferent mate­rials. In his lec­ture, Dr. Buchheit from Saar­land Uni­versi­ty intro­duced the stu­dents of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Scientific Computing" to the mathematical modeling and simulation of these long-range interactions.

ML in the analysis of car crashes

Prof. Garcke from the Uni­versi­ty of Bonn chose a sim­pler topic for his guest lec­ture. He showed the stu­dents how ma­chine learn­ing (ML) can be used to ana­lyze car crash tests or even car acci­dents. These tech­niques came into play be­cause math­emat­ical simu­lation meth­ods are now so so­phis­ticat­ed that they deliv­er a higher amount of data than a de­velopment engi­neer could ana­lyze in rea­sona­ble amount of time. Ma­chine learn­ing can evalu­ate a large amount of data in a short time and thus pro­vide valu­able in­for­mation for the de­sign.


Text: Maximilian Bauer, Elite Graduate Program "Scientific Computing"