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Elite Graduate Program “Software Engineering” celebrates another successful year

On 24 No­vem­ber 2023, the annu­al cele­bra­tion of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Software Engi­neer­ing” took place at the IHK Schwaben. The pro­gram for 100 guests con­sisted of talks, a presentation by the grad­uates and net­work­ing op­por­tuni­ties dur­ing a buffet din­ner.

Welcome and farewell

As part of the cele­bra­tion, the grad­uates of the 16th cohort of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Software Engi­neer­ing” said fare­well. The 16th cohort counted 18 stu­dents. In addi­tion, 18 new stu­dents were wel­comed, who have com­menced their stud­ies as the 18th cohort in Octo­ber. With an enter­taining retro­spect on two years of mas­ter stud­ies, joint pro­jects and terms abroad, the grad­uates took their leave.

Keynote speech by Dr Tobias Mühlbauer

The key­note speech of this even­ing was given by Dr Tobi­as Mühlbauer, grad­uate of the 4th cohort of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Software Engi­neer­ing”. He talked about inter­esting learn­ings from his career since his grad­uation: First as a re­searcher, then as a founder of a start-up and now as an ex­ecutive for a global play­er.

The festivity was accompanied by the musicians of (B)Lechquintett.

Text: Elite Graduate Program "Software Engineering"