Software Engineering

Soft­ware is the main driver of knowledge-based socie­ty. With­out soft­ware neither to­day’s socie­ty nor our econ­omy can exist, rang­ing from energy net­works over fi­nance to indus­trial pro­duc­tion. The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Software Engi­neer­ing” pre­pares its stu­dents for mak­ing deci­sive con­tribu­tions in soft­ware: The pro­gram trains stu­dents with excep­tional talents and excel­lent com­mit­ment for future IT-chal­lenges.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeMaster of Science
Duration of StudyFour semesters
Place of StudyAugsburg and Munich
Admission requirementsBachelor’s degree in computer science or a closely related topic
Language of instructionEnglish
Application deadlineMay 1st
Apply now
Begin of studiesWinter semester
HeadProf. Dr. Wolfgang Reif
CoordinatorDr. Dominik Haneberg
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite Software Engineering

Software makes the world go round

The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Software Engi­neer­ing” offers a mas­ter’s degree fo­cused on the area of soft­ware engi­neer­ing to excel­lent com­puter sci­ence stu­dents from Ger­many and abroad. The stu­dents re­ceive a pro­fes­sional educa­tion with a strong con­nec­tion to re­search and prac­tice, they bene­fit from soft-skill train­ings, net­work­ing with indus­trial part­ners and an inten­sive sup­port in small groups. All cours­es of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram are of­fered exclu­sively to its stu­dents.

The stu­dents gain an in-depth under­stand­ing of all core as­pects of soft­ware engi­neer­ing. The pro­gram covers meth­ods and pro­cesses of soft­ware devel­op­ment, soft­ware archi­tec­tures and dis­tribut­ed sys­tems, data­bases, hu­man-comput­er-inter­action and formal devel­op­ment of safe­ty-criti­cal sys­tems. Fur­ther­more, in the con­text of soft­ware engi­neer­ing, cur­rent topics like ma­chine learn­ing, self-organizing sys­tems, and data sci­ence are in­clud­ed.

Besides the high tech­nical quali­ty, stu­dents bene­fit from work­shops and semi­nars in social skills, which are essen­tial in team-based soft­ware engi­neer­ing and in lead­ership roles. They are pre­pared to take over re­spon­sible roles in econ­omy and sci­ence.

Networking and practice

The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram is closely con­nected with re­search and prac­tice. Se­lected indus­trial part­ners sup­port the pro­gram and offer inter­esting addi­tional possi­bilities to the stu­dents. A se­ries of special guest lec­tures from sci­ence and indus­try as well as an intern­ship in the indus­try com­plete the teach­ing in the pro­gram and ensure practi­cal rele­vance.

Every stu­dent of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Software Engi­neer­ing" has a pro­fessor and a repre­senta­tive of one of the indus­trial part­ners as a men­tor. They ac­com­pany and coun­sel the stu­dents during their stud­ies. Individual stu­dent inter­ests are inte­grated in the pro­gram by push­ing-the-limits-pro­jects, which are of­fered on the initia­tive of stu­dents, as well as the­matic work­shops orga­nized by stu­dents.

Portrait photo: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Reif

Working and learning in small groups is highly interactive and inspiring: this is studying how it should be.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Reif

The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram has a strong inter­na­tional net­work, which allows the stu­dents to do their mas­ter’s thesis abroad. About half of the mas­ter’s theses in the pro­gram result from re­search intern­ships at re­nowned in­terna­tional insti­tu­tions. Many mas­ter’s theses even lead to a sci­entific publi­cati­on.

Snippets of program

Guest lecture by Prof. Andreas Kipf

Prof. An­dreas Kipf gave a guest lec­ture as part of the lec­ture series of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Soft­ware Engi­neer­ing" focus­ing on re­search on using ma­chine learn­ing for data­bases.

Read the report

The lecturer, Prof. Kipf, stands in front of the projection of his presentation.

Autonomous regional trains

Guest lecture by Dr Cornel Klein on autonomous regional trains

Read the report »

Prof. Knapp welcomes guest speaker Dr. Cornel Klein

Snippets of the research

Beautiful Software Architecture

What is the beauty in software architecture? And why is this an important topic at all? These questions were answered during Céline Aldenhoven’s research internship.

Data security

Philip Lenzen’s topic in his master thesis was the protection of sensitive user data from unauthorized access by the providers of web applications.

How to escape the Blockchain-silos

In his master’s thesis Alex Biederer researched approaches to securely connect formally separated distributed ledgers like Bitcoin.