
Breaking the glass ceiling and smashing gender stereotypes: the Max Weber Program’s Weber*innen initiative comprises a series of events that encourage participants to grapple with issues of sex and gender from a range of perspectives.

Posing questions and thinking outside the box

Gen­der main­streaming, the gen­der pay gap and femi­nism: aca­demia and the media dis­cuss the rela­tion­ship be­tween the sexes and the sig­nifi­cance of stere­otypes at length. The "We­ber*innen" series of events is in­tend­ed to en­cour­age our schol­arship hold­ers to de­velop new per­spec­tives on gen­der issues and to think "out­side the box".

Our series of events has tackled a host of issues to date, such as “Why are most en­gi­nee­ring jobs taken up by men? Why do we need gen­der-sensitive medi­cine? How can I lay the foun­da­tions for a successful career – and what role will my gender play in doing so?”

The We­ber*innen events take place in a ran­dom pat­tern, usual­ly in the sum­mer se­mes­ter, at dif­ferent uni­versi­ty loca­tions in Ba­varia and with varia­ble for­mats, such as lec­tures, work­shops or ex­cur­sions.

Jo­hanna Burkhardt, for ex­am­ple, took part in a short con­fer­ence in Beilngries. The con­fer­ence fo­cused on gen­der re­search in vari­ous scien­tific disci­plines: "In the short time of just over 24 hours, we gained a wide range of in­sights into gen­der re­search. The ques­tions asked at the con­fer­ence and the dis­cussions that en­sued clear­ly showed that this topic is rele­vant to eve­ry­one."

In focus

A group of scholarship holders during a city tour in Augsburg

Weber*innen Conference 2023

On 3 and 4 June 2023, around 40 scholarship holders of the Max Weber Program spent a wonderful weekend at the Youth Hostel Augsburg. They explored gender-sensitive medicine from different perspectives.

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