Translational Neuroscience

The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Translation­al Neu­rosci­ence” has its basis on estab­lished syner­gies be­tween basic re­search and clini­cal prac­tice in­volving the facul­ties of medi­cine and human sci­ences at the Uni­versity of Würz­burg. The stu­dents are trained to under­stand the com­plexi­ties of neuro­logical and neuro­psy­chiat­ric disor­ders, to devel­op new ideas and inno­vative meth­odo­logical ap­proaches essen­tial for break­throughs in under­stand­ing these dis­eases, as well as for diag­nostic and thera­peutic devel­op­ments.

The Elite Graduate Program at glance

DegreeMaster of Science (M.Sc.) or certificate of course-related study program
Duration of studyFour semesters (M.Sc.) or six semesters (course-related study program)
Place of studyWürzburg
Admission requirementsFor MSc program: Bachelor's degree or equivalent degree in the field of natural science (life sciences, mathematics, physics, (bio)chemistry), psychology, or human medicine For course-related study program: 1st medical state exam
Language of instructionEnglish
Application deadlineMarch 15th (MSc program), May 31st (course-related study program)
Apply now
Begin of studiesWinter semester
HeadProf. Dr. Carmen Villmann 
CoordinatorDr. Manuel Nagel
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite Translational Neuroscience

Using Synergies Between Basic Research and Clinical Practice

The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Translation­al Neu­rosci­ence" is a re­search-orient­ed, inter­disci­plinary train­ing pro­gram in Eng­lish ad­dress­ing na­tional and inter­na­tional stu­dents with a Bachelor’s degree in bi­ology, bio­chem­istry or in other life sci­ence stud­ies or in psy­cholo­gy and stu­dents after their first sec­tion of the medi­cal exam­ination in the field of human medi­cine. The study pro­gram teach­es a didac­tically coor­dinat­ed con­cept of mo­lecular and cell bio­logi­cally orient­ed basic re­search on dis­ease mech­anisms, ge­netic diag­nos­tics, clini­cal diag­nos­tics, psy­cho­logical testing proce­dures, and of new imag­ing diag­nostic tech­niques such as MRI, PET and OCT. The stu­dents are trained for a pa­tient-centred neuro­scien­tific re­search at the inter­face of previ­ously sepa­rate fields of neuro­biolo­gy, neu­rolo­gy, bi­opsy­cholo­gy and psy­chia­try.

Individual Mentoring

An in­divid­ual men­toring pro­gram inten­sively sup­ports the stu­dents who face high per­for­mance expec­tations during their stud­ies. An inten­sive con­tact with lectur­ers is essen­tial for coping with the in­creased de­mands of the pro­gram and helps stu­dents during their career path­find­ing. This net­work ena­bles guid­ance and posi­tion­ing of stu­dents indi­vidu­ally ac­cord­ing to their re­search inter­ests and strengths in neuro­sci­ence. A tu­toring pro­gram among the stu­dents com­pletes the net­work­ing.

Due to the inter­disci­plinary train­ing at the inter­face be­tween neuro­biolo­gy and the clini­cal sub­jects of neu­rology and psy­chia­try/psycholo­gy, the study pro­gram quali­fies the stu­dents for PhD pro­grams as well as for a di­rect entry into the job mar­ket. Grad­uates of the elite study pro­gram Trans­lation­al Neu­rosci­ence have per­spec­tives on em­ploy­ment at na­tional and inter­na­tional level, for exam­ple in public re­search insti­tu­tions, in the teach­ing field, in re­search-orient­ed clinics, in the field of mo­lecular and diag­nostic imag­ing, in the phar­maceutical indus­try, as well as in ad­visory insti­tutions for drug regula­tions.

Neuroscientific Research Skills for Physicians

In the course-related study pro­gram, stu­dents of human medi­cine, who are in the clini­cal sec­tion of their stud­ies, can ac­quire re­search com­pe­tences in the field of neuro­sci­ence. Here, young doc­tors should be opti­mally trained for a subse­quent activi­ty as a clini­cal scien­tist. After com­pleting a de­gree in human medi­cine, the quali­fica­tions ob­tained can be up­grad­ed to a M.Sc. degree in "Translation­al Neu­rosci­ence".

Portrait photo: Prof. Dr. Carmen Villmann

In addition to teaching technical and methodological skills, it is important not only to recognize individual research strengths, but also to promote them.

Prof. Dr. Carmen Villmann

Snippets of the program

News from Neurosciences

At the conference "Translational Neuroscience Autumn School 2023", senior experts and young researchers from various fields of neuroscience presented their latest research results. 

Read the report

The organization team of the Autumn school stands in the hall of the meeting venue right beside the banner of the master program Translational Neuroscience.

Methods in Neuroscience

The “Methods of Neuroscience” module teaches numerous established and innovative methods of current research in the first semester.

Read the report

ThY1-YFP expression in 10 % of the examined neurons is shown cobinated with the postsynapse of the examined neurons. The basis is a confocal microscopic image.

Snippets of the research

The driving force

In her research internship, Lena Lößlein focused on regulators in the nervous system, the research of which contributes to a better understanding of neurodegenerative diseases.