Translational Medicine

The translation of scientific findings from basic and preclinical research into clinical trials and the care of the population is one of the central challenges in medicine. The Elite Graduate Program “Translational Medicine” provides scientifically active physicians (Clinician Scientists) with tools to combine research and health care and to master the transfer from bench to bedside and from bedside to population.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeMaster of Science (M.Sc.) or additional studies (certificate)
Duration of study3 semesters full time, or 6 semesters alongside with medical studies
Place of studyWürzburg
Admission requirementsFirst or third state medical examination (or equivalent
Language of instructionEnglish, German
Application deadlineJanuary 15th or July 15th (Master), Ten days after start of lecture period (Additional studies) Apply now
Begin of studiesWinter semester
HeadProf. Dr. Manfred Gessler
CoordinatorDr. Stefanie Hauser
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite Translational Medicine

From basic sciences to clinical care

The com­plexity of scien­tific ques­tions and the broad range of re­quire­ments for the im­ple­menta­tion of new find­ings in prac­tice require excel­lently trained, scien­tifical­ly ac­tive physi­cians. They should be able to com­pe­tently and criti­cally ac­com­pany and im­ple­ment the vari­ous trans­fer steps from the labora­tory to clini­cal appli­cation. At the same time, they should also be able to evalu­ate and opti­mize evi­dence-based pre­ven­tion, diag­nostics and thera­py as well as formu­late clini­cal ques­tions pre­cisely and reflect them back into re­search.

A comprehensive training program

The train­ing pro­gram com­prises theo­retical and practi­cal parts, rang­ing from basic exper­imental bio­medi­cal re­search to clini­cal and epi­de­mio­logical re­search and clini­cal trials. Con­cepts of trans­lation­al medi­cine, the critical analy­sis of scien­tific litera­ture and partic­ipation in re­search pro­jects are inte­gral parts of the curric­ulum.

The pro­gram offers inten­sive indi­vidual super­vision by inter­na­tional­ly re­nowned sci­entists and it is closely inte­grated into local re­search net­works and clini­cal re­search cen­ters.

Stu­dents of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Translation­al Medi­cine" are thus active­ly in­volved at an early stage in a com­peti­tive and inter­na­tional­ly con­nected re­search envi­ron­ment.

Portrait photo: Prof. Dr. Manfred Gessler

Translational thinking and acting is at the core of modern medicine.

Prof. Dr. Manfred Gessler

The train­ing pro­gram can be com­pleted in par­allel to medi­cal stud­ies as addi­tional stud­ies or inde­pen­dently as a subse­quent mas­ter’s course. The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram thus pro­motes partic­ularly talent­ed young scien­tists in medi­cine at an early stage and in a tar­geted man­ner. Grad­uates have the best quali­fica­tions for a career as Clini­cian Scien­tists and are quali­fied both pro­fes­sional­ly and per­sonal­ly for lead­ing posi­tions at uni­versi­ties, clinics and in the private sec­tor.

Snippets of the program

AI in medicine

This year, the Winter School of the Translational Medicine program was dedicated to a topic with which all students will be confronted in their further professional lives - artificial intelligence in medicine.

Read the report

bstract graphic of a human head covered with a grid.

Stroke research

Winter School: Results from experimental and clinical stroke research to aftercare.

Read the report

A group of women and men stand in the foyer of the Rudolf Virchow Centre in Würzburg