
Neu­roengi­neering is an emerg­ing inter­disci­plinary field that aims to trans­late find­ings in neuro­science to real-world practi­cal en­gineer­ing applica­tions. The overall goal of the study pro­gram is to edu­cate and to train stu­dents in the area be­tween engi­neering, medi­cine, biology and psy­cholo­gy; There­by provid­ing knowledge and skills, and broad­ening their mind, to envi­sion and to create innova­tive neu­ro-inspired sys­tems.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeMaster of Science
Duration of studyFour semesters
Place of studyMunich
Admission requirementsBachelor's degree (or equivalent) in electrical engineering, computer science, bio-medical engineering, psychology with an engineering minor or a similar degree
Language of instructionEnglish
HeadProf. Dr. Gordon Cheng
Prof. Dr. Kristen Kozielski
CoordinatorIsabell Fischer
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite Neuroengineering

Shaping the future of Neurotechnology

MSNE aims to train excel­lent, open-minded stu­dents through an in­dividu­alized, highly inter­disci­plinary and interna­tionally com­petitive pro­gram, which allows them to be­comeleaders in this novel inter­disci­plinary area in the inter­section of neu­rosci­ence and engi­neer­ing.

These educa­tional experi­ences should enable them to perform ground­break­ing re­search as well as envi­sion and create innova­tive neu­ro-inspired sys­tems. MSNE pro­vides stu­dents with a unique knowledge and skill set, indi­vidual­ized by men­tor-ap­proved elec­tives, com­ple­mented by hands-on intern­ships, ear­ly-career training for in­de­pen­dent re­search, and aware­ness of ethical aspects of neu­ro-technol­ogy.

Portrait photo: Prof. Dr. Kristen Kozielski

Neuroengineering combines neuroscience, electrical engineering, materials science, and computer science. It is a great pleasure to train MSNE students, and to prepare them to be leaders in the future of neurotechnology.

Prof. Dr. Kristen Kozielski

The MSNE pro­gram offers exclu­sive inter­disci­plinary educa­tion with inte­grated soft-skills train­ing, so that gradu­ates can better serve the grow­ing aca­demic, eco­nomical and societal de­mands. The MSNE gradu­ates will benefit from a unique training combi­nation of en­gineer­ing and neuro­science, sup­ple­mented by in-depth knowledge of societal needs, impact, and expec­tations of neu­roengi­neer­ing.

Snippets of the program

Insights in Entrepreneurial Masterclass

A Master’s Thesis embedded in the TUM Entrepreneurial Masterclass: Florian Schönleitner, Neuroengineering Master student, shares his insights.

Read the report

A portrait picture of Florian Schönleitner, next to the cover page of his Master’s Thesis

An evening of lectures on neuroscience

Under the title "From Connectomes to Brain Computer Interfaces" the event series Elite Network aof Bavaria FORUM was hosted at TU Munich and offered exciting insights into current research fields of neuroscience.

Read the report

People are standing together in small groups and are looking at posters with technical content.

Snippets of the research

Machine Learning

Steffen Schneider explored adaption techniques in brains and machines in his master’s thesis.


During her research project at Lichtman Lab (Harvard University), MSNE-Student Elisa Pavarino analyzed the morphological wiring of newborn mouse nerve.

Human-Centered Neuroengineering

Nicolas Berberich is an alumnus of the Elite Graduate Program “Neuroengineering” at the Technical University of Munich. He investigated the concept of human-centered engineering with respect to neuroengineering education.