A pro­gram for gifted teach­er train­ees – this is what the uni­versi­ties of Bay­reuth and Würz­burg im­ple­ment with the inno­vative Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "MINT-Leh­ramt PLUS”. Par­ticu­larly gifted and high-perform­ing stu­dents of the sub­jects biolo­gy, chem­istry, infor­mat­ics, math­emat­ics and phys­ics in the teach­er train­ing for sec­ondary schools are of­fered educa­tional and devel­op­mental oppor­tuni­ties that sub­stan­tially go be­yond the cur­ricula of regu­lar teach­er train­ing, thus en­riching their stud­ies.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeAdditional study program with certificate or Master of Scienc
Duration of studyFour semesters or parallel to teacher training
Place of studyBayreuth, Würzburg
Admission requirementsAdditional studies: 100 ECTS in a teacher training for secondary schools in a STEM subject
Master studies: bachelor degree in a teacher training for secondary schools in a STEM subject
Language of instructionGerman, English
HeadProf. Dr. Volker Ulm (Bayreuth)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Trefzger (Würzburg)
CoordinatorSara Feldmüller (Bayreuth)
Contact the coordinator (Bayreuth)
Anna Pargent (Bayreuth)
Contact the coordinator (Bayreuth)
Dr. Brenda Pfenning (Würzburg)
Contact the coordinator (Würzburg)
Further informationWebsite MINT – Lehramt PLUS

Program for gifted teacher trainees

The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram is spe­cifi­cally de­signed to allow com­ple­tion paral­lel to teach­er train­ing for sec­ondary schools. Gifted and high-perform­ing stu­dents can start this addi­tional study as soon as they have ac­quired 100 ECTS in their regu­lar teach­er train­ing. As soon as they ac­com­plish a bache­lor’s de­gree, they can enroll in the master pro­gram.

Students can ac­quire ad­vanced skills in the field of STEM sub­jects. For this pur­pose, a wide varie­ty of dif­ferent cours­es in the sub­ject-specific master pro­grams is at choice. Apart from that, they obtain in­sights in recent sub­ject-specific or sub­ject di­dactic re­search areas by teach­ing meth­ods specif­ically creat­ed for the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram. For this, inter­disci­pli­nary ex­change and em­bed­ding in inter­na­tional re­search with vari­ous free­doms for an indi­vidual priori­tiza­tion are char­acter­istic.

Individual priorities and personal development

The pro­file of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram is char­acter­ized by the stu­dents’ possi­bility to have a de­ter­min­ing influ­ence on the topics of their cours­es.

In addi­tion to that, indi­vidual priori­zation and per­sonal sup­port in small study groups are char­acter­istic of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "MINT-Leh­ramt PLUS". In short, stu­dents are sup­ported in their per­sonal devel­op­ment and ac­quire vari­ous com­peten­cies they need for being suc­cess­ful in scien­tific posi­tions or for taking on re­spon­sibility as well as lead­ing posi­tions in the fields of educa­tion and sci­ence.

Portrait photo: Prof. Dr. Volker Ulm

In the Elite Graduate Program "MINT-Lehramt PLUS” students have a determining influence on the topics they want to delve into. A basic principle is: We create free space for personal development and overcome boundaries.

Prof. Dr. Volker Ulm

Snippets of the program

Extracurricular places of learning in Berlin

Students of the Elite Graduate Program “MINT-Lehramt PLUS” explored various extracurricular learning locations during an excursion to Berlin.

Read the report

In a black and white room, a student appears to be flying through an optical illusion.

School lab on Helgoland

Stu­dents of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “MINT-Leh­ramt PLUS” or­ganize a work­shop there on the topic of "Ocean Acid­ifica­tion" in the spirit of edu­cation for sus­taina­ble de­velopment.

Read the report

Three people stand on a footbridge and pull up a small container with a narrow rope.

Snippets of the research

Curves and Fields

In her master’s thesis, Naemi Fischer created a database of number fields associated to certain classes of hyperelliptic curves.

Wasps on courtship

In her master's thesis, Sandra Lang investigated the interaction of different courtship signals of a certain wasp species.

Gently depositing semiconductors

In his Master's thesis, Julius B. Hlawatsch investigated how surfaces can be coated non-destructively with new types of semiconductors.