Master in Quantitative Economics

Eco­nomic re­search has changed con­sider­ably due to the in­creas­ing avail­ability of large data sets. Many scien­tific issues, which until re­cently could only be dis­cussed theo­reti­cally, can now be proved with the analy­sis of suita­ble data. The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Mas­ter in Quan­tita­tive Eco­nom­ics“ hand­picks excel­lent na­tional and inter­na­tional stu­dents to pre­pare them for a career in this new field of re­search.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeMaster of Science
Duration of studyFour semesters
Place of studyMunich
Admission requirementsBachelor’s degree in one of following fields: political economics, economics, statistics, informatics or mathematicsk
Language of instructionEnglish
Application deadlineMarch 15th
Apply now
Begin of studiesWinter semester
HeadProf. Dr. Florian Englmaier
CoordinatorDr. Maximilian Breu
Contact the coordinator
Furhter InformationWebsite Master in Quantitative Economics

Educating the future of economics

The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Quantita­tive Eco­nom­ics” offers a well-rounded aca­demic educa­tion in eco­nom­ics to excel­lent na­tional and inter­na­tional stu­dents. After a rig­orous train­ing in micro­eco­nom­ics, mac­roeco­nom­ics and econ­omet­rics, stu­dents are free to pursue their own re­search focus from an early stage of stud­ies on­wards in coor­dina­tion with their men­tor.

Besides the im­mer­sion in sta­te-of-the-art in­terna­tional re­search, the train­ing in meth­odo­logical knowledge and key quali­fica­tions, if nec­essary by means of expert guest lec­tures, plays an im­portant role. This train­ing ena­bles our stu­dents to get famil­iar with new meth­ods and, thus, lay the ground for life­long learn­ing.

The stu­dents gain an in-depth un­der­stand­ing of mod­ern eco­nom­ics as well as the up-to-date quan­tita­tive meth­ods to tackle eco­nomic issues in the areas of micro­eco­nom­ics, mac­roeco­nom­ics, public fi­nance and econ­omet­rics on a PhD stu­dent level. In this way, stu­dents can focus their re­search in one of these are­as.

In addi­tion to eco­nom­ics profi­cien­cy, the pro­gram offers meth­odo­logical cours­es for apply­ing statis­tical and pro­ject plan­ning soft­ware as well as pro­gramming lan­guages al­low­ing stu­dents to apply the know­ledge gained in their own re­search pro­ject in the 3rd semes­ter and their master the­sis.

Individual support

Students can choose from a wide range of spe­ciali­za­tions with the com­mit­ment of the pro­fes­sors of our facul­ty and, thus, shape their own indi­vidu­alsci­entific profile ac­cord­ing to their pre­ferred fo­cus.

We sup­port our stu­dents in a men­tor pro­gram: each stu­dent is as­signed a men­tor from the senior facul­ty and a post­grad­uate men­tor.

In col­la­bora­tion with their men­tors, stu­dents can dis­cuss re­search pro­jects, ideas and their indi­vidual spe­ciali­za­tions. Be­sides the high quali­ty of stud­ies, stu­dents also bene­fit from soft skill and key com­pe­tence cours­es.

Portrait photo: Prof. Dr. Florian Englmaier

The Master in Quantitative Economics trains the economists of the future. Equipped with economics expertise and the know-how of quantitative methods, ours students can analyze and solve the social challenges of the 21st century.

Prof. Dr. Florian Englmaier

Students can pre­sent their re­search results at inter­na­tional eco­nom­ics con­fer­ences to gather inter­na­tional expe­rience. The Grad­uate Mas­ter Office of the facul­ty offers coun­seling to stu­dents from the mo­ment of their appli­cation on­wards and sup­ports them in non-academic is­sues.

Snippets of the program

Opening Ceremony

Prof. Pinelopi Goldberg, since November 2018 chief economist at world bank, started the new academic year.

Read the report

A man thanks a woman with flowers and a book.

Guest course

Prof. Stephen Hansen (Oxford) held a lecture on “Machine Learning Methods for Economists“.

Read the report

Detail image: A person‘s left hand is holding an opened notebook, while the right hand is taking a note with a pencil.