Human Biology – Principles of Health and Disease

The Elite Gradua­te Pro­gram “Human Biology - Princip­les of Health and Disease” is an inter­discipli­nary, rese­arch- and compe­tency-ori­ented program. Due to the societal challen­ges in biomedi­cal sci­ences today, there is an ever-increa­sing de­mand for high­ly-skilled, qualified young scien­tists. The program is desig­ned to meet this demand by edu­cating distin­guished students at the intersec­tion of biology and me­dicine at the fo­refront of bio­medical sciences.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeMaster of Science
Duration of studyFour semesters
Place of studyMunich
Admission requirementsBachelor’s degree with at 180 ECTS credits in biology or related subject with a written final research project of at least 10 ECTS-credits.
Language of instructionEnglish
Application deadlineFebruary 28th
Apply now
Begin of studiesWinter semester
HeadProf. Dr. Heinrich Leonhardt, Prof. Dr. Thomas Gudermann 
CoordinatorIrini Bassios
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite Human Biology – Principles of Health and Disease

Connection to current biomedical research

The Elite Gradu­ate Pro­gram “Human Biology – Princi­ples of Health and Dis­ease” is charac­terized by excel­lent fa­cilities for con­tempo­rary re­search in Munich and just outside of Mu­nich at the modern HighTechCam­pus in Mar­tinsried, where the main part of the study program takes place. Together the Fac­ulty of Biology and the Faculty of Medi­cine rep­resent a thriving research network whose out­standing research output is interna­tionally recog­nized and which gives signifi­cant im­pulses to the basic research in bio­medical sciences. All research projectsare with­in the scope of the five main topics of the Elite Gradu­ate Pro­gram, such as “Cell Biology, Stem Cells and Epi­genet­ics”, “Mo­lecular Microbi­ology and In­fection Biolo­gy”, “Mo­lecular Oncolo­gy”, “Neuro­sciences” and “Cardio­vascular and Lung Re­search”.

Students can also benefit from taking ad­vantage of fur­ther teaching and re­search opportu­nities by tapping into the addi­tional expertise of our collabo­ration partners. In addi­tion to exper­tise, the curricu­lum in­cludes interdis­ciplinary courses, in which students will have the pos­sibility to choose courses based on their interests. In trans­ferable skills courses, students will ac­quire cross-curricu­lar abili­ties.

Portrait photo: Prof. Dr. Thomas Gudermann

The new master’s program in the field of biomedical sciences organized by both the Faculties of Biology and Medicine allows us to offer our students a state-of-the-art and interdisciplinary study program by combining the best of two worlds.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Gudermann

The re­search-oriented Elite Gradu­ate Pro­gram adresses highly motivat­ed and dedi­cat­ed stu­dents. Our aim is to pre­pare our students the best way pos­sible to meet future chal­lenges in a sci­en­ce-related profes­sional career in the field of bio­medi­cine.

Mentoring System

The Elite Gradu­ate Pro­gram “Human Biology – Princi­ples of Health and Dis­ease” is accom­panied by a compre­hensive mentor­ing pro­gram. From enroll­ment until gradua­tion, students will be support­ed by several people depend­ing on their specific needs. Each student will be assigned a profes­sor as a mentor, who will foster the de­velop­ment of both the personal and in­dividual scientific pro­file.

Professors involved in this program are at the cut­ting-edge of their respec­tive fields and have an inter­national profile. During regular stu­dent-mentor meet­ings, students receive support in their scientific and per­sonal career devel­op­ment.

Snippets of the program

iGEM Munich 2024 presents ProgRAM

The iGEM Munich 2024 team earned a Gold Medal at the Grand Jamboree in Paris for their innovative RNA-based molecular recording system, advancing the field of synthetic biology.

Read the report

A group of students in front of an iGEM logo at the Paris Expo during 2024 Grand Jamboree.

Start of a new journey

The new journey of the seventh cohort of the Elite Graduate Program "Human Biology – Principles of Health and Disease" (MHB) began in October 2024 after a highly competitive admissions procedure.
Read the report

Young people are walking in front of the Biocenter of the LMU Munich.

Snippets of the research

Balancing Act: Axon Health in MS

In a laboratory internship, Jonas Huber explored calcium-mediated mechanisms in the autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis.

Fibrinogen uptake in cancer cells : good or bad?

In this study, Manasvini Sridharr investigates the link between the uptake of fibrinogen by pancreatic cancer cell lines and the resulting effects. It was completed during an 8-week research internship at Walther Straub Institute.

Pancreatic cancer research

Leon Heffinger investigated sex differences in the tumor microenvironment of pancreatic cancer during his master's thesis.