East European Studies

The inter­disci­plinary Elite Gradu­ate Pro­gram pro­vides expert knowledge in the area studies of East Central, South East and Eastern Europe. It of­fers ideal condi­tions for learning to com­muni­cate and cooper­ate with the region in all socially relevant realms. In ad­dition to spe­cialist knowledge and linguis­tic compe­tence, the course fur­nishes stu­dents with key skills they will need in order to take up posi­tions of respon­sibility in poli­tics, culture, busi­ness and aca­demia. Special features of the degree pro­gram include a pro­ject course and an annual summer school.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeMaster of Arts
Duration of studyFour semesters
Place of studyMunich, Regensburg
Admission requirementBA degree in a relevant field of study
Language of instructionMostly German
HeadProf. Dr. Martin Schulze Wessel
CoordinatorDr. Felix Jeschke
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite East European Studies

Expert knowledge of Eastern Europe

The inter­disci­plinary two-year master pro­gram in East Euro­pean Studies pro­vides quali­fied stu­dents with special­ized, region­ally focused knowledge on East Central, South East and Eastern Europe. Stu­dents learn to analyse devel­op­ments and situa­tions in Eastern Europe and situate them in their politi­cal, legal, eco­nomic, histori­cal and cultural con­texts.

The modu­larized master pro­gram is offered by the univer­sities of Munich and Re­gens­burg. The partici­pating de­part­ments are His­tory, Slavon­ic Stud­ies, Com­parative Litera­ture, Law, Eco­nomics, Euro­pean Ethnol­ogy, Politi­cal Sci­ence, Turkish and Otto­man Stud­ies, and Jewish History and Cul­tu­re.

In addi­tion to special­ist knowledge and linguis­tic compe­tence, the course fur­nishes stu­dents with key skills they will need in order to take up posi­tions of respon­sibility in poli­tics, culture, busi­ness and aca­demia. To this end, the chal­lenging theoret­ical curricu­lum is aug­mented by practi­cal mod­ules and an inter­disci­plinary project course. The pro­gram has an interna­tional orienta­tion and in­volves an ob­ligatory intern­ship at a com­pany or institu­tion located in or con­nected to Eastern Europe. Fur­ther­more, each year group partici­pates in a spe­cially de­signed summer school in the re­gion.

Regional knowledge through cooperation

A de­manding ad­mission proce­dure, inten­sive mentor­ing and super­vision, and the in­volve­ment of re­nowned aca­demic institu­tions assure the pro­gram’s quali­ty.

The East Euro­pean Studies pro­gram cooper­ates with numer­ous re­search insti­tutes in Munich and Re­gens­burg, such as the Colle­gium Caroli­num, the Leibniz Insti­tute for East and South­east Euro­pean Studies (IOS), the Insti­tute for Eastern Euro­pean Law and the Bavari­an State 4 Library. The Stu­dentsattain a better under­stand­ing of the inter­cultural and intra­cultural connec­tions in Eastern Europe. This way they become experts in their respec­tive fields and re­gions.

Porträtfoto: Prof. Dr. Martin Schulze-Wessel

The Elite Graduate Program combines a broad academic program with excellent student supervision. It qualifies the students academically, yet it is also practically oriented.

Prof. Dr. Schulze Wessel

Permanent activabte
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data transfer:
Students, alumni and lecturers of the Elite Graduate Program "Eastern European Studies" report on their experiences in the program and the importance of Eastern Europe for our present and future.

Snippets of the program

Summer School “Environment and Infrastructure in Slovakia”

From Sep­tem­ber 18 to 26, 2022, the 17th and 18th co­horts of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram in East Euro­pean Stud­ies went to Brati­slava, Banská Štiavnica and the High Ta­tras.

Read the report

The students of the Elite Graduate Program in East European Studies on a group photo in the Slovak State Mining Museum in Banská Štiavnica.

20 Years of East European Studies

Alumni, students, faculty and the public celebrated 20 years of East European Studies at LMU Munich.

Read the report 

Five people debating on a stage in front of a screen

Snippets of the research


Sophie Harper explored the globalisation of Russian Illiberalism and Propaganda in the West between 2014 and 2022 in her master’s thesis.

History in Textbooks

In her master’s thesis, Mariia Kovalchuk researched the representation of Ukrainian history in German textbooks and German history in Ukrainian textbooks from 2000 till 2021.

Poland’s Ukraine policy

In her master's thesis, Martha Schmidt conducted a comparative analysis of Poland’s policy toward Ukraine under two different governments in the period from 2011 to 2019.