Data Science

With the current Big Data challeng­es in business, industry, science and soci­ety there is an in­creasing demand for well-trained data sci­entists. Lud­wig-Maximil­ians-Universi­tät Mu­nich (LMU) takes account of these new de­velop­ments and is the first German university to offer a master’s program in Data Science in Eng­lish. In the Data Science Elite Graduate Program outstand­ing stu­dents are individu­ally trained in view of the great societal challeng­es.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeMaster of Science
Duration of studyFour semesters
Place of studyMunich
Admission requirementsBachelor of Science (or equivalent) in statistics or informatics or related disciplines
Language of instructionEnglish
HeadProf. Dr. Göran Kauermann
Prof. Dr. Thomas Seidl
CoordinatorDr. Constanze H. Schmaling
Dr. Michael Windmann
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite Data Science

Obtaining knowledge from data

Data Science is the sci­ence of extract­ing knowledge and infor­mation from data and re­quires skills in both sta­tistical and com­put­er-based data analysis and data manage­ment. The Elite Graduate Program “Data Science” is an in­terdisci­plinary program and is offered jointly by the De­partment of Statis­tics and the Insti­tute of Informat­ics at LMU Mu­nich.

The curricu­lum of the Elite Graduate Program “Data Science” is a mod­ularised study program. Students learn sta­tistical and com­putation­al meth­ods for collect­ing, man­aging, and ana­lysing large and complex data sets. The pro­gram also comprises courses on data security, data con­fidentiali­ty, and data eth­ics.

Other highlights are the practical modules, in which students tackle real-world problems in cooperation with industrial partners, as well as the summer schools, the DataFest, and the focused tutorials, for which internationally renowned scientists are invited. All these events offer students of the Elite Graduate Program „Data Science“ the op­portunity to establish their own networks.

Portrait photo: Prof.Dr. Göran Kauermann

LMU Munich is a hot spot for data science. The students in our program benefit from the various extracurricular activities, the close cooperation with industry and business, as well as the individual counselling.

Prof. Dr. Göran Kauermann

Snippets of the program

Data Science Conference 2020

The GDSD 2020 at LMU Munich offered interesting presentations. 

Read the report

The information age, digitalization, industry 4.0, and big data are just a few of the currently prominent buzzwords. Data are becoming increasingly important, and so is data science, the science of extracting useful information and knowledge from data. Data Science plays an important role in science, industry, and business, and close cooperation between all areas is necessary. For this, the German Data Science Days (GDSD) offer the ideal platform. They bring together data scientists from various fields and create a forum of users for users and of experts for experts.  The GDSD 2020 took place at Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) Munich from 18 to 19 February 2020. In eight sessions on different topics (e.g. data science in medicine; data science and the internet of things; data science and data ethics), data scientists from industry, business, and science presented new developments in the various fields and shared their knowledge and expertise. During the breaks, the 300 participants had the opportunity to interact, network, and exchange information and ideas. The German Data Science Days, which have been held annually since 2018, are organized by the Elite Graduate Program “Data Science” at LMU Munich in cooperation with the German Association of Actuaries (DAV) and the German Data Science Society (GDS e.V.).

Data Science Conference 2023

The GDSD 2023 at LMU Munich offered interesting presentations.

Zum Bericht

A group of people sits on a podium and discusses.

Snippets of the research

Causal Relationships in Calcium Imaging

Gunnar König is an alumnus of the Elite Network Bayern graduate program Data Science at LMU. 

Training costs of LLM

Large language models have achieved groundbreaking performance in the field of natural language processing, but their huge scale creates high costs for training and inference.