Biomedical Neuroscience

The study program “Biomed­ical Neu­rosci­ence” offers a re­search-oriented educa­tion in the field of neuro­science as well as in neuro­psychiat­ric dis­eases. Teaching of theo­retical knowledge and practical skills is per­formed using innova­tive teaching methods. A per­sonalized mentor­ing pro­gram ensures intensive supervi­sion of the stu­dents. Through exchange programs, for ex­ample with the Hebrew Universi­ty in Je­rusalem the stu­dents can gain in­terna­tional experi­ence.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeMaster of Science
Duration of studyFour semesters
Place of studyMunich
Admission requirementsBachelor's degree or equivalent in the field of natural science, such as biology, chemistry, molecular medicine, physics or medical state examination.
Course languageEnglish
Application deadlineMay 31st
Apply now
Begin of studiesWinter semester
HeadProf. Dr. Pascal Berberat, Prof. Dr. Arthur Konnerth, Prof. Dr. Thomas Misgeld
CoordinatorDr. Silke Herzer
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite Biomedical Neuroscience

Biomedical Neuroscience

The program offers unique re­search-oriented training opportu­nities in biomedi­cal neu­roscience to a small group of selected students holding a bache­lor´s or equiva­lent de­gree in the field of natural science. This in­cludes both the­oretical back­ground and tech­nical skills for common­ly used experi­mental ap­proaches in basic and clini­cal neu­roscience re­search.

Teaching is conduct­ed in a combina­tion of theory and hands-on clas­ses im­parting in-depth un­derstand­ing of brain function and structure, from molecules and cells to large-scale cir­cuits, behavior and the mecha­nisms and treatment strategies of neu­ro-psychiatric diseas­es.

During research internships stu­dents of the Elite Graduate Program "Biomedical Neuroscience" are integrated in ongoing research pro­jects of partner institutes, one of which is the “SyNergy” Cluster of Excellence.

An additional special focus is the learning of key skills such as data analysis, scientific ethics and re­search communication.

Portrait photo: Prof. Dr. Thomas Misgeld

We believe that future success in translational neuroscience research will depend on a new generation of researchers that have received a solid training in the field of basic neuroscience, as well as in the integrative principles of brain diseases.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Misgeld

Individual supervision and early internationalization

Based on the inter­discipli­nary training the pro­gram offers students the pos­sibility to focus on their in­dividual research interests within their lab intern­ships. Students will be assigned to per­sonal mentors who will guide and sup­port their academic progress with re­gard to their per­sonal interests, as well as career pro­spects. They will be ideal candi­dates for the nu­merous PhD-programs offered in this field. Further­more, pharma­ceutical and bio­tech in­dustry have a high de­mand for graduates with an in-depth un­derstand­ing of basic as well as transla­tional neurosci­ence.

Snippets of the program

Welcome week for the new students

During the first week of the semester the students had social and informative events, like the introduction of participating institutions, a career day and the so-called “chemical kitchen”.

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Two plates with small Cheese cakes, decorated with berries. The plates are hold by two people with blue aprons.

An evening of lectures on neuroscience

Under the title "From Connectomes to Brain Computer Interfaces" the event series Elite Network of Bavaria FORUM was hosted at TU Munich and offered exciting insights into current research fields of neuroscience.

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People are standing together in small groups and are looking at posters with technical content.