Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis

Advan­ced synthe­sis and catalysis are at the he­art of modern chemi­cal rese­arch. Innova­tive techno­logies optimi­ze re­source and en­viron­mental protec­tion and go hand in hand with econo­mic effi­ciency. The "Syn­Cat" elite degree program offers an at­tractive study program with the focus on inor­ganic and organic synthe­sis and catalysis with great freedom for in­depen­dent research work in state of the art labora­tories and excellent, indi­vidual support through profes­sional mento­ring.

The Elite Graduate Program at a glance

DegreeMaster of Science
Duration of studyFour semesters
Place of studyRegensburg
Admission requirementsBachelor degree in chemistry or a related field
Language of instructionEnglish
HeadProf. Dr. Burkhard König
Coordinator Dr. Anja Stromeck-Faderl
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis

Taking responsibility through modern chemical research

In a world which strives for prosperity, health and better living conditions for all, tech­nolo­gical processes need to be adapted so that our limited resources are used optimally and sustainably and our environment is protected.

This respon­sibility can only be met through the de­velop­ment of ad­vanced chemi­cal pro­cesses using modern synthe­sis and catalysis tech­niques. Intelli­gent reaction control and the use of selec­tive cata­lysts can re­duce the gen­eration of waste. The devel­opment of in­dustrial­ly feasi­ble cata­lytic and photo­catalytic process­es pro­vides the founda­tion for ener­gy-opti­mized reaction condi­tions and maxi­mum effi­cien­cy.

Use your talents to shape your future!

The Elite Graduate Program "SynCat - Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis" appeals to highly motivated and talented students who have already earned a bachelor’s degree with a sound chemical knowledge base.

Bright and dedi­cated minds from all chemi­cal dis­ciplines and from all over the world are wel­come, who want to focus their master studies on inor­ganic and organic synthe­sis and catalysis at the highest lev­el.

The interna­tional atmos­phere of the pro­gram is based on mu­tual esteem as well as con­struc­tive cosmo­politan­ism and encour­ages the under­stand­ing of global prob­lems.

Portrait photo: Prof. Dr. Burkhard König

Young chemistry talents from all over the world will find the best possible conditions for an optimal start into their international research career in industry or university through our M.Sc. Synthesis and Catalysis Program.

Prof. Dr. Burkhard König

After suc­cessful­ly com­pleting your studies, the doors are open for sub­sequent scien­tific work at our uni­versity, but also at our world­wide cooper­ation partners at aca­demic insti­tutes and in indus­try!

Snippets of the program

Chemistry and Beer

During the excursion the SynCat students gained an exciting insight into the industrial world.

Read the report

Students of SynCat are informed about the processes in the brewery.

Strengthening soft skills

Students were able to strengthen their social skills professionally as part of a workshop.

Read the report

Students of the Elite Graduate Program "Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis" take a group photo in front of the conference venue Schloss Hirschberg.

Snippets of the research

New paths to chirality

Within a two-month research project at Stanford University, CA, Alessa Rolka worked in the field of catalysis, utilizing transition metals to induce chirality in organophosphorus compounds.

Copper shines photocemically

Sebastian Engl studied the role of the unique reaction properties of copper catalysts within innovative photocatalytic processes.

New drug synthesis

Together with researchers from the University of Paris Descartes, Peter Bellotti has developed new synthetic methods for heterocyclic drug molecules.